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Survey Project For Government Class


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Oh, boy. It's been so long since I've even visited here. I have a survey project to do for my government class, and I decided to use the internets to get it done easily. It's about the electoral college.I just ask these things of you:1. Use what you know. "I don't know" is an acceptable answer. Please don't google anything.2. I need at least 50 people to answer it. If you're a good person, you'll answer it. If you're a great person, you'll answer it and then spread the survey around. Please and thanks.3. USA people only, please, as it refers to the American election process.So here it is. 20 questions. Age: Gender: (We're required to have this)

  • [*]What is an indirect election?[*]What is a direct election?[*]Which do we use for choosing the President and Vice President?[*]What is the purpose of the Electoral College?[*]What is the number of electors based on?[*]What if the process described in the previous question goes past noon on January 20th?[*]How many electoral votes does your state have?[*]How many electoral votes does a presidential candidate need to become President?[*]How many electoral votes are there in total?[*]What happens if no candidate reaches that number?[*]How are each state’s electoral votes won?[*]Has the Electoral College ever been considered to be repealed?[*]Do you think the Electoral College works?[*]What is the minimum number of electoral votes a state can have?[*]How many electoral votes does the most populous state have, and what is that state?[*]How many electoral votes does Washington, D.C. have and what is that number based on?[*]What is a faithless elector?[*]Which constitutional amendments relate to the Electoral College?[*]When has the winner of the popular vote lost the electoral vote?[*]Where do third parties stand in the electoral system as it is now?

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1: When groups of people vote, and their individual totals are added up into a Group Total, which is the number which affects the final result2: A direct democracy, when each person votes and their vote affects the final result.3: Indirect4: Originally, to minimize the margin of error in the popular vote when using the less useful communication systems from the 1700s. In modern times, its purpose is less clear.5: State population6: Congress chooses from among the candidates, their decisions subject to the Supreme Court's decision.7: 55(California woo!)8: A clear majority, not certain of the precise number.9: Upwards of three hundred? Not sure.10: Same as answer to #611: Each state has a certain number of Electoral Votes, whose decision is determined by the popular vote in that state.(For a time, South Carolina chose its votes by legislature rather than popular vote)12: When eleven states from the South seceded, they debated removing the Electoral College but eventually left it in. Their decision was of course made moot four years later. I'm not sure, but it might have been otherwise repealed.13: It's not the best system, but it usually represents the popular vote well. Only under situations like the four-cornered 1864 election does it break down.14: 115: 55, California(woo!)16: 2, I believe, based on DC's population.17: Never heard that term before.18: I believe the Eleventh Amendment was the one which made the Vice President's position subject to the Electoral College. The Thirteenth Amendment, which removed the Three-Fifths Clause, also affected the Electoral College.19: Didn't Al Gore lose the electoral college but win the Popular Vote in 2000? That's all I know.20: They have the right to put forward presidential candidates, but they are rarely taken seriously.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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