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Obligatory Pancake Mashing



0. Division wheee. I don't care for the people there, but I don't hate them either, and I have 6th with this one girl who's cool there, so yeah. It's only 15 minutes anyways.


1. Honors Physics. Bleh, all the female science teachers seem to be clones at my school. As I've already had two, it shouldn't be too much of an adjustment. Also, my lab group of 4 includes 3 attractive girls eeee. I just hope I don't have to do all the work like in Bio. ;-;


2. Honors Italian. Lots of people from last year, and the same teacher, too, so it should be a pretty fly class. I just need the stairs to be more empty, so I can get there on time. D=


3. Guitar 1. I know some people, but don't sit by them boo. Oh well, cool teacher is cool, so yeah.


4. Honors Arch Drafting 2. I know like 4 people in the class lol. Fortunately I sit by one of them eeee, and she got her schedule changed like today, and magically showed up and I was like eeee it's you and she was like eeee and then the teacher was like hey you sit there and you sit there so we were like eeee. Yay run on sentences. If you read all that, you win an internet.


5. LUNCH OMNOMNOM. Only like one other guy from my group last year is there so lol. But this one guy I didn't like has 6th. YESSSSSS. Also some other friends and stuff, so yeah.


6. Honors Telescoped Algebra 2/Trig/PreCalc. This teacher is oobar coolio. He's been the sponsor of the Christian club for the other 2 years I've been there, so we like know each other, and yeah. No seating chart so far, so woop. Sat by aforementioned division girl and this guy I almost hate, and he almost hates me, but we actually don't hate each other and get along.


7. AP English Language and Composition. Gah they didn't give me the teacher I wanted. ;-;. Also no seating chart yet yaaay. Some peeps I know, and one of the girls from my physics group (The one who sits next to me and is the most attractive yaay). And she sat behind me today, so that's good I guess.


8. AP Psychology. Again I didn't get the teacher I wanted lol. She seems aight, though. Some peeps I know, and are cool. B). Also, no seating chart yet. I <3 those kinds of classes.




eeeee cool people and yeah lol



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"I like to sit on my pancakes!"


Heh, my schedule is a lot more relaxed than yours. :P Of course, I still have AP Calculus. Ouch.

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I got AP English and AP World History this year. Are the AP exams the same state wide? If so, we can compare test scores and help each other out. :lol:



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I got AP English and AP World History this year. Are the AP exams the same state wide? If so, we can compare test scores and help each other out. :lol:



They are the same nationwide, yes.



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"I like to sit on my pancakes!"


Heh, my schedule is a lot more relaxed than yours. :P Of course, I still have AP Calculus. Ouch.



BC? or is my school the only one that does that.

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"I like to sit on my pancakes!"


Heh, my schedule is a lot more relaxed than yours. :P Of course, I still have AP Calculus. Ouch.



BC? or is my school the only one that does that.

My school does too.



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