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Pencil Avalanche



Storytime! x3


So, I own around 500 different colored pencils at this point of my life. I'm at the point where I have to cataloug which pencils produce what color on paper, cause I have so many brands (e.g. I have 65 types of red and 80 types of brown). I lurve them lots, so keepin them organized is never a big deal. It's just reeeeeally time consuming! o___<


I've had my pencils, along with all my other art supplies, organized on the end of my art desk in multiple baskets (I use silverware drawer buckets, they are convenient and cheap and you can find them in most stores :) ). My art desk has one of those weird unremovable buckets-and-holes contraptions on the end, though (which I never use), so I just cut out a large piece of foamboard, attached it to the inside of the buckets-and-holes contraption,and made sure it lined up with the desk. Ta-da, insta-shelf.


Then I just piled all my buckets on it. It's been working fabulously. :D


Well, catastrophe struck yesterday.


My dad came in my room while I was working on some stuff. My dad is a naturally lovable guy, so he came and hugged me and asked about my day and stuff.


Then he saw I had Little Debbie cakes on my desk. I'd picked them up for sale and had stowed them in my room, cause Niki loves her snack time.


He has poor eyesight and could not tell which ones I had, so he reached over and jostled them from their pile on the desk so he could take a better look.


Ummm, unfortunately, said jostling knocked the foamboard shelf loose.


Which made all the baskets either go flying into the air or sliding to the ground.


Now all my colored pencils and pens and knives and brushes and erasers are on the floor, in the art drawers, caught behind the desk or behind the drawer set...




Dad felt awfully bad. :(


So I gave him some cupcakes. :3


So yeah, today is "clean up the art desk and pick up and reorganize all those crazy pencils" day!


Whee-hoo. XD



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"Storytime! x3" should now be a thing, because it's awesome. :3


And I sort LEGO Bricks/Bionicles in much the same way, color/part type, when I moved rooms I dumped all my Bionicles out and sorted them.


It was fun, <3.

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You had your whole day planned out for you! :lol:


You might even find lost stuff behind your desk!


I'm hoping! ^_^


There is something oddly therapeutic about sorting pencils according to color. ^^


I know, right? It makes me feel organized. :D


"Storytime! x3" should now be a thing, because it's awesome. :3


Ehee. :3 I'll have to remember it for later.



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and i thought i had a lot of coloured pencils, haha...really should organize my supplies, it helps you think better when it comes to drawing and all.

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