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I've Been Mutated



A fantastic seventh game in Risk: Legacy! I won! Woot! Great Britain now has a major city named after me (though I was tempted to call it TARDIS, but the odds being against me winning again I just had to name something after myself). B-)


We also revealed the new Mutant faction, which was fun to play as in the eighth game but that itself had messy battles, strong tensions, and not too many options for my own gameplay. :/ But I’ve been in Risk withdrawal after a week and a half without it, so it’s all good. (Truth be told, I’m also in a Munchkin withdrawal. Maybe I’ll get to play that soon.)


Maybe if I win again I’ll rename Europe. That would give me a good bonus at times. I’m calling myself Deus Pangaea (“God of the World” or something), and have a city named after myself called Benjamiel (because angels have “iel” at the end), so I could call it Heaven for more tongue-in-cheek blasphemy which is really annoying one of my friends. XD But I’m actually favoring calling it Raxacoricofallapatorius.


We’re also super-close to placing the World Capital down. I hope I get to do that. Except then I’d have to think of another name.

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"Benjamin" means "right-hand son," and "-iel" means "of God," so you named the city "right-hand son of God?"


Tongue-in-cheek blasphemy indeed... :P

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