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Back from NYCC!



I went to NYCC on Friday and I am exhausted. My shoulder is absolutely destroyed and bruised from carrying my heavy bag on it for 11 hours. But it was sooo worth it. I met the author of The Looking Glass Wars, one of my favorite book series, and he is just an adorable guy, he was thrilled when I told him that I read the books in middle school 'cause he loves that so many kids enjoyed his stories and got inspired. I also met Randall Monroe, the xkcd author, and he signed a book for my best friend and I gave it to him as a birthday present and he was overjoyed so I think I won this birthday :P I got a ton of comics and books signed, and bought some cool books and posters. My best friend and two close friends also got up on stage at the Just Dance 2015 thing and did the Tetris dance and it was hilarious, no ragrets. Also, I was at the Resident Evil Revelations 2 panel and the 35 Years of Aliens panel, and got to play Monster Hunter 4. I don't really wanna go into the details of everything but I had a really, really great time ^^


I of course made a beeline for the Bionicle display and it was awesome, just, so awesome. Got my picture taken with my best friend next to the Mask of Creation statue, and got the Pohatu and Kopaka posters (Im assuming all the others are available on different days on the convention?) and I got two of the exclusive transparent Tahu masks :D I don't know just how exclusive they are 'cause I heard they gave those away at Lego Store too (wish I knew about that, 'cause I would've stopped by there after school on Thursday and if I wasn't let in I'd have at least have had the opportunity to meet some BZP folks, oh well) and the ones I got say theres only 1500, but I'm not sure if it means produced at all or just given away at this particular convention. If anyone knows about that, I'd like to know, 'cause I'm curious. I got to see the Toa which were on display there, and they really do look even better in person. I can't wait until January because I'm definitely buying every single one of them! I had a quick chat with Bionicle fan while I was waiting for pictures but didn't get a chance to ask their name or anything, so if it happened that one of you were at NYCC yesterday at the Bionicle space and talking to some nerd in a yellow Star Trek uniform around 10:20ish, speak up :P


Unfortunately I was rushing around and didn't get a chance to really admire the sets and burn them into my memory or anything, so I can't tell if Pohatu's limbs really are greenish or yellow like in the promotional images.




And these pics are just my loot and my autographed stuff






The Bionicle space had that Legend of Okoto video playing on a loop on a big screen, so it was very cute to see young kids standing and watching it, I think they were really into it, and it was awesome to see a lot of staff running around working for the Bionicle booth 'cause it made everything feel so real and like it really was happening. Even though the leaks have been out for months and months, it felt like a dream until now.


I wonder if it's possible to dye the transparent Haus different colors like someone did with the Purple Kaukaus... that would be incredible :D With all the transparent limb and armor parts in Bionicle 2015 and in recent CCBS sets, it'd probably make for some super cool MOCs ^^


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The ones from the VIP event at the store are labeled as being from the "LEGO NYCC VIP STORE EVENT" and are actually numbered "## out of 100" (mine is 89, I think?)


Otherwise, the 1500 from the con seem to be all of them meant for distribution. I do believe the ones we and BZP received may be from that batch, from what TLG told us.

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I like that they're doing the whole "exclusive promotional rare masks" thing like in 01-02 with the various kanohi and krana, I always loved the collecting thing! They're really going in with it :D

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