Wild. 11 years on this charming little forum. So many memories! Life's at a tipping point, looking forward to a big career move, moving on from other stuff I've been with for a long time. I've been going to a lot of concerts and that's been so much fun! Janelle Monae and Paramore most recently, both were magical experiences. Been going to a lot of museums, too. I've been following Christian Faber's Rebel Nature project for a while and I can't wait to see it released, it seems so wholesome. I fin
A couple days ago, BZPower's 16th anniversary, happened to also be my account's 10th anniversary! Wow! 10 years of this. Can't believe it A lot's gone on since I last really checked in! I somehow managed to claw my way through my undergrad program and finish a whole thesis film and graduate; I am now a proud Bachelor of Fine Arts in Computer Animation! Fancy. Personal life's been through all sorts of ups and downs but now I'm in a nice place where I'm working on my portfolio while I look fo
It looks like my late October schedule might've freed up, and I'll be able to finally go to Brickfair O: I've always wanted to go but it never worked out; I remember sending a Bionicle painting in to be featured at one of the Brickfairs in like 2009, but other than that... nothing. Goodness, it's been 7 years since then. I'm really eager to go, it'd be so exciting! Honestly, how've I been a fan for my entire life and never gone? Now I've definitely gotta build something for it
Yesteryday was BZPower's 15th, and my 9th as a member Crazy how time flies! I'm very grateful for BZPower and all you cool people and for the fact that, against all odds, Bionicle is still in my life all these years later -- all is as it should be
Oops a semi-related tangent: I've never really gotten into fighting games, and I'm quite horrible at them, but my closest friends are all really good at them and have always played them when we hang out. I finally decided to buy myself a quality fightstick so I can learn to play and get as good as they are so I contribute to the fun and not just get passed the gamepad every now and then out of pity for a friendly but pathetic 30 second beatdown before they resumed their rounds. Honestly, fightin
It's been almost 10 years, I'm totally free to start quoting Portal again, yeah? Little bit of a catch-up from basically all of 2016.. I've been super duper busy being a human bean out there in the world, schoolin' and workin', messing up terribly and learning from my mistakes but also trying new things and finding a lot of good out there in the world. I'm entering my final year of college, so I've begun working on my thesis film this summer! What a doozy this project is gonna be. Contrary
It's almost 2016, the 2016 bonkle sets will come out soon.... will all the 2015 sets be gone and impossible to get my hands on now? I only have three of the Toa and two Protectors, this is unacceptable but I don't have spare cash right this moment to get 'em (and I just detest having to order things online for some reason, it just bugs me; I much prefer to waltz into a store and find what I need and go through the whole process). How does this stuff usually go? I'm mainly worried about the o
It came out today and I am both impatient and unstoppable, so I took a detour between classes and scooped it up! Kinda shocked that it's like $70 USD, makes me wonder why they even considered how 'child-friendly' it is at such a price point, but honestly I've been out of touch with LEGO's price dynamics for like a decade so I have no idea what's reasonable anymore. Can't wait to crack it open and build it, but I will say right away that the box is gorgeous and very nicely made. That's my, uh,
And I am an impatient sucker, I went straight to the LEGO Store and picked this up I don't even have the game yet, I'm just excited to get the figure c: I'm gonna spring for Portal next for my brother. Undergoing a difficult breakup right now so this was my little spirit lifting treat for myself.
So far I only have Rebecca Sugar to look forward to, and that's gonna be super exciting! But what else is happening? Does anyone know if LEGO has any plans to show up at this one? Perhaps something Bionicle will be involved? It was truly the highlight of NYCC for me last year, I think, so it's gonna feel really empty without Bionicle this time 'round. Also if anyone else is going let me know!! ALSO! Whoops, looks like I more or less vanished from BZP for the last few months or so. My ba
14 years of BZP! And coincidentally, today makes the 8th anniversary of my registration! I'm in awe that this is technically the second year I've been on BZP for more than half its life. Y'all are just great, it's really incredible looking back on all those years of Bionicle and BZPower and finding myself sitting here today, Bionicle alive and well again and BZPower still here for all of us. Life is really wonderful sometimes. Y'all are wonderful too <3
In the last week I have: printed business cards, gone to a big networking event to hand out those business cards, got a short but exciting summer job/glorified volunteer opportunity through the event, made a website and portfolio and social networking/media accounts (all with my full name in the urls! I'm so glad my name is ridiculous), made a demo reel, wrote up a resume, sent that resume with a cover letter to an internship I might get because it turns out I have connections there, aaaaaaand s
I can't believe this movie was two and a half hours long, 'cause it flew right by. Incredible. I love it. I'm just in awe. Gotta see it again just to really absorb everything cause there was so much going on. I love all the tracking shots. They must have really enjoyed the big New York City tracking shot from the first movie that was so famous, 'cause there's like at least three more in this one and they're all even more ambitious. I desperately need to see those shots again. Just gorgeous.
That was more than a little creepy. Summer villains confirmed for creepy ancient (possibly Toa) zombies? What if the LoSS was guarding the city to make sure they didn't get out? (Nice job breaking it, heroes.)
The hero pack stickers are beautiful and I don't know what to stick 'em on! My phone is my first instinct, but I don't think they'll stick well to my case and will prolly not fare well with all the handling and my pockets. Suggestions, please! What do y'all do with yours?
Hey, so, I haven't been very active at all in the last couple weeks; in case like two or three of you missed me, I've just had a very busy semester is all. Last week I passed by my local Lego Store and noticed that they had really big new displays for Bionicle 2015 up (before it was limited to the regular tiny shelf space like every other theme) so I stopped by today to snap pictures of 'em, and finally pick up a Protector and a Hero Pack. The displays were really quite large, and right as
Totally wanna make Keetongu, but I'm pretty sure I have nowhere near enough CCBS parts for any sort of coherent creation, let alone enough keetorange. Here's hoping! But yeah, wouldn't it be neat to see a CCBS Keetongu? If anyone else wants to give it a stab please do because I just feel in my gut that there's a lot of potential there and I'm worried nobody else will think of it for whatever reason.
In this timeline, it's just known by another name: Amiibo. I picked up a Zelda amiibo yesterday (my bud and I are going on a massive Wave 3 hunt this Sunday, I'm gonna get Megaman) and in less than 4 hours it went from being a baby that couldn't land a hit to an unstoppable killing machine that got 8 of the 11 KOs in a match that involved myself and two Level 9 CPUs getting obliderated and tossed around like dolls for a few minutes while this artificial monster just slowly walked around like i
How did we go from this to this? They called it a Skyblaster but we all know what it really is, it even shoots to-scale cannonballs. We're onto you, Greg. #GoneTooFar #EndUnnecessaryBionicleCannonization
I'm back home in the city! Flew in last night after a wild night/morning, and with the ensuing head-melting headache and queasiness and the following jet lag from the flight keeping me awake, I basically ended up going straight to class without much rest. It was nice to be back, though, and I hopped over to the LEGO Store down the block right after class and picked up Gali, and she's standing all cool and mighty on my shelf now. I've never owned a CCBS set before, so it was a very new build
I wanted to say "calling it" but we know so little right now that I can't claim to be confident in this, but anyhow, I'm theorizing that the Toa came from the Ancient City or whatever-- like, they were sent up into space or wherever by the ancient Okoto society that made that the prophecy drawings that the village elders show us in the animations, or possibly by an even older group of Okotans. I just realized that's basically saying "I bet it's exactly like in the original Bionicle" but I forgot
...Tomorrow~ I saw Annie and it was really great, and I loved seeing all those shots of New York City cause I'm getting a little homesick. They mentioned pomegranates twice, so, basically, it's a 10/10 movie. Go see it right now. I've been having Bionicle dreams like every night now, it's getting out of hand. I need those sets before I lose my mind. HOW IS THERE NO TARGET IN THIS TOWN? I've waited five years, I can't go any longer. They're so close, but so far. New Years was really gr
I'm flying off to the other side of the country for the next three weeks, so I won't really be on the forum much during that time. I won't be able to get any of the new sets, either, which is a bummer. HO HO HO WELL. Thanks for the positive and reassuring responses to my previous entry, y'all da best; I don't have time to reply to them all, but I'll say that I'll definitely try to stick around and hope that the revival of Bionicle brings in a flood of fresh, innocent faces to the fandom to dro