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Stupid Microsoft Word



Don't expect any updates for The Legend Exploded or Reluctant Allies any time soon 'cause Microsoft Word - the program which I wrote both fics on - isn't working on my computer right now. So I can't access the story documents where the new chapters are.


No idea what the problem is, but just don't expect to see any new stories from me for a while. Hopefully we can figure out the reason it's messing up, but for now, no writing for me :( .




Edit: Never mind. It's working now. Just posted Chapter V of Reluctant Allies a few minutes ago.


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There are free alternatives out there, like LibreOffice or OpenOffice, but frankly speaking at the end of the day Microsoft Office is a good deal stronger than either of those, so you might want to look into fixing Microsoft Word.


Can I ask what exactly the problem is? Does it just not open? Does it crash? (Not trying to be nosy, I used to do tech support for a living, so I might be able to help.)

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It will only open in "Safe Mode," but Safe Mode has none of the features normal mode does and I can't read or write in any of my documents in Safe Mode. And if I try to open it in normal mode, it just doesn't open at all.


Does that help or do you need more info?




Edit: Oops. Looks like Word's working again. Always just has to prove me wrong, doesn't it :P ?

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