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My book covers (plus win a FREE ebook!)

Hello again, everyone. I thought I'd share the covers for some of the books I've published this year. These aren't the covers of all of my books; just the ones I like best. You can also click on each cover to check out each book's page on my website, where you can learn more about whichever book captures your interest.   Let's start with the cover for my fantasy novel, The Mage's Grave, first book in my Mages of Martir fantasy series, available in ebook and trade paperback wherever books are sol



Looking Back: From Fanfiction to Indie-Publishing (BONUS: Win a FREE ebook!)

Exactly one year ago today, I posted the final chapter of my last epic, In the End (which you can read here if you are interested). It was the big grand finale of the Shikaverse, my own Bionicle fanfic universe, as some of you might recall.   Since then, I have published eleven original novels, four short stories, one novella, one collection, and one serial (which is five episodes), with even more works on the way before the end of 2015 and going well into 2016 and beyond. I even started a new p



Brick Fiesta

Looking at the schedule for Brick Fiesta this year and considering my own schedule and financial situation, I think I might be able to go this year.   Emphasis on might. I've never gone to a LEGO fan event like Brick Fiesta before, so not entirely sure what to expect. It also depends on anything that might come up on the days its open. I have no big trips or anything else scheduled for July 23-26, but just the same, sometimes things come up when you least expect it (like my grandfather's funeral



What I got for Christmas this year

Hey, everyone! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas yesterday (including those who don't celebrate it; after all, would you rather I wish you a bad Christmas?).   I thought I'd share my loot with y'all because that's what all the cool kids do. Without further ado, I got:   -A brand new Acer E 15 laptop. It's not the fanciest laptop around, but it has amazing battery life (almost 8 hours when fully charged) and can do everything I need it to do, so I'm happy with it -A Logitech mouse to go along



Ian Sinclair IS Brook

Man, English anime dubs can be kind of hit-and-miss, as any anime fan knows, but ... wow. Ian Sinclair's Brook is just as good as Brook's original Japanese voice, IMO.   Makes me want to watch the dub again, actually. I've been watching the subbed version of the show and have just finished the Thriller Bark ark, which is why I decided that I wanted to hear Brook's English voice.   I must say, I am not disappointed in the least.   -TNTOS-




I was going to offer my opinions on the whole issue, but then I decided that I didn't have the time or interest (although I apparently have the time and interest to tell everyone that I don't have the time and interest, so ... ).   -TNTOS-



Super Smash Bros. for Wii-U

A few days ago, my brothers and I got the west Smash Bros. game for Wii-U. As you can no doubt guess, we've spent several hours playing the game already. We've unlocked Wario and Falco, though I imagine we'll unlock the other characters soon, considering how much we are going to be playing it.   So far, my mains are Captain Falcon, Greninja, Charizard, and Sonic. Greninja is possibly the best, however, as I'm surprisingly good at him, sort of like how I was really good with Lucas back in Brawl.



Fanfic Ideas

As most of you probably know, I have officially "retired" from writing fanfiction in order to give my real writing career the time and care it deserves (though I may take some time in late 2015/early 2016 to write a couple fics I have ideas for, but that's very far off and not worth talking about at the moment).   Over my fanfic "career," I wrote over 50 epics, short stories, and comedies combined. Not all of them got on BZP; in fact, there were quite a few that I either never finished, never st



Day One of NaNoWriMo

Got a good start. Current word count is 8,206, which is about how much I expected to write today.   Don't expect me to update this blog too often this month, though, because I'm going to be very busy with a lot of things (not just my NaNo novel) and this blog is not high on my list of things to update or maintain. Though I probably will make a post here when I hit 50k or complete the novel, whichever comes first. How's everyone else doing so far?   -TNTOS-



I was doing NaNoWriMo before it was cool

Like many of my fellow BZPers, I am going to be participating in NaNoWriMo this year. This will be my sixth year, I believe, as I first participated in 2008 and have won every year since and don't see that changing this year, even though November is gonna be a busier-than-usual month for me, I think.   On a side note, I think this is the most BZPers I've ever seen say that they will be participating in NaNoWriMo. Seriously, most of the time NaNoWriMo just sort of comes and goes around here, even



Pokemon ORAS Demo: My Initial Thoughts

As some of you may know, Nintendo is distributing codes for the demo for the upcoming remakes of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, called Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, which are coming out almost exactly one month from today.   In the US, you can get these codes by signing up for their Pokémon Trainer Club Newsletter. When you get the newsletter in your email, you take the code and put it in the Nintendo eShop to download the demo onto your Nintendo 3DS system.   Since I thought Ruby and Sapph



Eight years

As of today, I have officially been a member of BZP for eight years.   Eight years of fanfiction, watching BZP drama from the sidelines (and occasionally participating whenever the stupid struck me), blogging, geeking out over colorful LEGO action figures, entering contests, making friends, not making enemies (hopefully), and having a ton of fun all the while.   Here's to eight more years of BZP and Bionicle fun!*   *And drama. Can't forget the drama.   -TNTOS-




OOOOOOH MY GOSH I FEEL LIKE A KID AGAIN TAHU IS AWESOME KOPAKA IS AWESOME ONYA ONUA IS AWESOME GALI IS OKAY LEWA IS ALSO OKAY POHATU IS SORT OF OKAY-ISH AND WHO IS EKIMU AND MAN THAT MUST HAVE HURT WHEN HE SLAMMED MAKUTA IN THE FACE WITH HIS HAMMER AND GEARS AND PURPLE AND AND AND-   *hype train crashes*   *Crawls out of the wreckage, dusts self off, takes a deep breath, and tries to act like the mature, responsible adult that he is*   All right. I think Bionicle 2015 is gonna be pretty good.  



X-Men: Days of Future Past

Just saw the movie today.   It was really awesome, probably the best X-Men movie yet. It was even better because I just watched First Class like a week ago, so I didn't have to go back and rewatch anything to understand what was going on. Really loved Young!Charles and Young!Erik the most, TBH. Their actors are just really good.   Definitely looking forward to X-Men: Apocalypse, which is coming out in 2016. If it's gonna be anything like Days, it is probably going to be awesome.   -TNTOS-



New content block

Just added a new content block to my blog that features links to all ten of the stories from my The Biological Chronicle series of flash fiction. Been meaning to do this for a while, but just been too busy and lazy to take the time to do it.   You'll have to scroll down to see it, however, as it's at the very bottom of my blog.   -TNTOS-




THE HYPE TRAIN IS OFF THE RAILS. YOU CAN'T DENY IT NOW.   Unless you're a spoilsport, of course, but CHOO CHOO AWAY ANYWAY!   -TNTOS-   Edit: Also:  



RIP Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers, a well-known comedienne and TV icon, just passed away.   I've never been a huge fan of Rivers and only really know about her because of her time on the Celebrity Apprentice, but this is sad news just the same. First Robin Williams, now Joan Rivers. Dang. -TNTOS-



Looking Back: My Past, Present, and Future (and Beyond!)

(NOTE: I'd recommend grabbing some popcorn and a soda because you're in for a long read. A long read.)   As of yesterday, I posted the epilogue to my final Bionicle epic, In the End. Y'all know that already, of course (or at least my regular readers do, anyway).   And I did it all before reaching my eighth year anniversary as a BZP member, which will be in October, which is next month. Coincidentally, I started writing Bionicle fanfics eight years ago, too.   Eight years ... dang, that's long. D



In the End Mondays 09/01: The End

As of a few minutes ago, I posted the epilogue to my last Bionicle epic, thus officially ending the Shikaverse and my career as fanfic writer (at least for the foreseeable future, anyway).   Unlike with every other week, I'm not going to quote an excerpt from this chapter because I do not want to spoil anything, not even a couple of lines of dialogue.   So just go ahead and read the entire epilogue here for yourself. Or, if you haven't been following since the beginning, I suggest starting from



That moment

When one of your favorite bloggers (not necessarily BZP bloggers, just bloggers in general) posts a video in which they speak and you hear their voice for the first time.   Their voice never matches the voice I read their blogs in. Never, ever, ever.   I mean, it's just bizarre how sometimes bloggers (and writers in general, honestly) can have these passionate, powerful writing voices that force you to think deeply the issues they blog about, yet when you hear their verbal voices, you'd never ex



In the End Mondays 08/25

One more week.   Just one more week, and I'll post the epilogue and this will be all over. As usual when I get near to completing an epic, I both dread and anticipate it in equal measure.   Until then, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter:   Read the rest of Chapter XX here. And don't forget to tune in next week for the epilogue!   -TNTOS-



It is fair and just that I am an cool dude

In all seriousness, though, I'm glad they got the word filter updated.   Now it's time for me to go back through all of my fics and add "jerk" and "idiot" where they're supposed to be, rather than the synonyms I've been forced to used thanks to BZP's word filter .   -TNTOS-



In the End Mondays 08/18

It's Monday again. That's pretty much all I have to say.   Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter:   Read the rest of Chapter XIX here.   Just one chapter and the epilogue left. Chapter XX will be next week and the epilogue will be the week after and then we'll be done. Yay!   -TNTOS-



In the End Mondays 08/11

A mere three weeks until the final chapter now (really the epilogue, but semantics amirite?).   Until then, here's an excerpt from this week's chapter:   Read the rest of Chapter XVIII here.   -TNTOS-



In the End Mondays 08/04

Can't believe there's only three chapters left now. The end is indeed very near.   Here's an excerpt from this week's chapter:   Read the rest of Chapter XVII here.   -TNTOS-



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