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Well, I don't live in the USA, nor do I believe that it was a terrorist OR a plane that took down the towers. But, nomatter what happened, those people died for NO REASON at all. So, I dedicate this blog entry to them. A moment of silence, for the dead.


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You mean the videos and numerous newspapers with evidence don't convince you that two planes flew into the buildings?



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Nope. Go on #######. It shows close-ups or whatever, I don't quite remember, and there was something technical about the angle of the wings, and the explosion thast came out. Oh, and also, they said that a plane made of such light material COULD NOT EVER penetrate the steel (or whatever) bars that the bulding was made of. They said it would've only made two holes where the engines were, and shattered the windows.



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Nope. Go on #######. It shows close-ups or whatever, I don't quite remember, and there was something technical about the angle of the wings, and the explosion thast came out. Oh, and also, they said that a plane made of such light material COULD NOT EVER penetrate the steel (or whatever) bars that the bulding was made of. They said it would've only made two holes where the engines were, and shattered the windows.



That site can't really be trusted. I've seen several documentaries explaining the steel had a defect. And there are too many videos from too many sources for it not to be true.



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Well, Just my beliefs. No need for you guys to believe them too. All that REALLY matters today is remembering the innocent who were killed. :)



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nor do I believe that it was a terrorist OR a plane



So you trust some kook on that site over numerous eye witnesses, pictures, and videos? Not to mention the fact that the people on those planes did in fact die.


I don't want to get into an argument here, I just don't understand the logic you're using here. I don't even see a reason all this stuff would've been faked...


So yeah.


Regardless, we will remember... and that's all that really matters.



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The Planes DID go through the Steel, the reason it did more damage than a normal skyscraper because it's design was different. Instead of steel to separate the rooms, it was just drywall. Because of that, it went farther & did more damage.
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