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So You're Saying You'll Give Me Money If I Let You Electrocute Me?



So Monday and Tuesday night I took part in a study wherein I was put in an MRI and sometimes given mild shocks while watching a screen.


For money.


Woo science! I have no clue what they were studying and may have dozed off once or twice (staying up till 4 writing an essay on Ulysses will do that to ya), but hey! Science! And money! Not the first time I've done this. Well, the MRI is new (least for sciencing), but the shocks and studies aren't.

Hey, gotta pay for them Legos somehow. And booze. And groceries. Y'know.


tl;dr, Josh let people electrocute him so he could buy Legos.




That didn't come out right.

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My university had so many of these things but I never volunteered for them. I almost did one that wanted to, if I recall corectly, inject me with stuff and moniter what happened, but I didn't due to scheduling. Probably should have. I could have become spider man, or something.

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"Science isn't about why, its about how much money you're getting out of this! Seriously, just think about the money - I'm sure you'll be in one piece after the experiment is done. And even if you're not, well, we're not banging rocks together here. We know how to put a man back together."

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So science can afford fancy machines to measure brainwaves AND give controlled non-lethal electric shocks AND hand out money to randos?


This is why we're in debt, sheeple! The real enemy is science! DOWN WITH SCIENCE

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