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Hannah Montana Ruined Everything

Jean Valjean


It's true!


My sister wanted a game of Disney Monopoly. I can understand her interest. It sounded pretty fun. However, once it was opened, we find out that Hannah Montana and High School Musical are Park Place and Boardwalk, respectively. It's a slap in the face to see them put in the highest places of honor. My mother expected Snow White to be Boardwalk and Fantasia to be Park Place. It would have made a whole lot more sense, because those are two of the oldest classics. I mean, ten years down the line, who's going to remember Hannah Montana. Maybe Miley Cyrus will still be known, but her goofy alter ego from the TV show? The chances are truly against it. Meanwhile, Fantasia and Snow White were huge achievements that rose above and beyond the movies of their time. Nothing like them were seen, and they were even in color. To put this in perspective, Snow white was released during the 30's. We all know what's so characteristic about the thirties. Color footage starting becoming standard in the mid-60's. Those films were far ahead of their time. What barriers did High School Musical and Hannah Montana break that made them worthy of the two most expensive squares on all the board?


It kind of spoiled things. Not just for me, but my mother and my sister. She still plays it, but it's kind of awkward.


Live long and prosper.


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Truthfully, I'd print out pictures of Snow White and Fantasia and glue them over HSM and Hannah Montana, but that's just me.

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Girls don't wanna have tea with Snow White, they want to get a backstage pass to a Hannah Montana concert. It would only make sense to give the kids what they want now. Besides, I honestly don't think people will still be playing that model of Monopoly in 50 years, so your argument of the classics really holds no leverage.





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Hannah Montanna is going to still be a huge burst of nostalgia 10 years down the line because so many young girls are growing up with her.


And you're complaining about a Disney-themed gameboard, grow up dude.

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Mysterious Minifig,

Fantasia wasn't on there at all, and Snow White was somewhere in the middle in in the lanes adjacent to Park Place.



I don't really care about who's going to be playing it 50 years from now, I care about how fun the game is. I feel that Disney's most precious gems should be placed in the proper position of respect in a Monopoly game. But as for your first point, I understand the "here and now" logic of a business, but I think it would have been just as successful if it had placed the Hannah Montana and HSM somewhere else on the board.


Captain Minamitsu,

For your first point, I see the logic, but it doesn't mean that it is a legacy of Disney. As for your second, I happen to have a deep-rooted respect for Disney. Besides that, it's my sister's and I know she's disappointed. She's also having trouble finding other people to play with her because many of our cousins simply won't play for the whole reason of Hannah Montana. My mother has pictures of Mickey Mouse hanging around the house, and also can't help but feel bittersweet about our new game.


Live long and prosper.

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Captain Minamatsu,

Snow White, Fantasia, and Pinocchio were all released generations ago and are still being remembered fondly and influencing culture. People make references to growing noses and do spin-offs of the seven dwarfs all the time. Just because Hannah Montana is successful right now, it doesn't mean that it will be a legend two or three generations from now. That's how long some of Disney's other films have lasted. Quite some achievement, if you ask me.


In the meantime, Hannah Montana, in some ways, doesn't seem to represent Disney as some other franchises do. Mickey, for example, is the symbol for Disney. I don't want to be redundant for alluding to classics again, but yes, they work as symbols for Disney as well. When people think of Hannah Montana and High School Musical, other things come to mind, such as certain associations that come from the actors.


Like I said, I don't have much of a problem with them being on the board, but I don't like what it says about Disney when they put them at the top.


Live long and prosper.

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JUST because I'm an avid Disney fan and feel like jumping in...


Captain Minamatsu: Just because it [Hannah Montana] is popular doesn't mean it will become a legacy. Heard of Silly Symphonies? In case you haven't, they were a series of Disney cartoons with little to no dialogue, usually just a story based on a song and sound effects. (Think of Warner's RoadRunner and Coyote cartoons, no dialogue, but there was still a story) They were popular at the time, yet most people - That I've talked to - have never heard of them. You can say the same about a TON of Disney's live action films, popular at the time, but hardly known now by most of the current audience.


It's the same way for just about ANY franchise. Even LEGO has themes that were popular 5+ years ago that are hardly known of now by the average fan.


In short, current popularity doesn't mean it's an automatic classic. Yes, it will be remembered fondly by those who are fans of H.M. when the show eventually dies, just like I fondly remember movies/shows like The Great Mouse Detective, The Brave Little Toaster, Skeleton Dance (<- A Disney Silly Symphony, by the way) The Point, Fletcher cartoons, etc, etc... Only time will tell whether Hannah is added to the Classics collection or not.


And in "Spock's" defense, he wasn't saying that she didn't belong there, he just didn't think she deserved the spot as the most valuable spaces on the board. Yes, let her be there if she must, since she is a currently popular franchise that most pre-adolescent girls are clinging to, but like Spock, I don't feel she's that much of a critical part of Disney when you look at the history of the company as a whole.


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