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C3 2010: Day Two Evening Exhibits Part Two



Venom's Comics by The Venom

Venom's Comics by The Venom
For the lack of a better name.


v3c3.gif ~V.3~

~V.3~ is my main solo-comic series. It's been up for 2 years already, and it's set for its final run.
After the abandonment of The Swift Times- an experimental series I started a while back never to be started again- I felt I needed to finish the story of V.3.
Once its third season finale- or should I say now, series finale- comes around, I will be taking somewhat of a retirement from Artwork 3.
But that's a long time from now, so let's have fun while we still can.

~V~ has gone through a lot over the years. Improvements were recognized and Co-Authors became a nuisance.

F.A.Q.T.H.N.B.A. (Frequently Asked Questions That Have Never Been Asked)

Q: It's final run? So it's ending?
A: After the season finale, yes.

Q: What's happening in the story so far? What certain story element pulled you back to continuing V.3?
A: So far, Venom and his friends have been banished from the Comic Land after nuking it to destroy the large symbiote, Cataclysm.
They've also been blamed for attracting predators to the land known as Xenophage, notorious for their hunger for symbiotes.
I wanted to finish the storyline because I've had so much planning and so many ideas for it, and I couldn't stand the idea of not being able to express them to the public.

Q: What's the atmosphere of V.3 since it's changed?
A: V.3 is now a combination of epic and comedy. I'm resting the epic half of it for a while to focus more on the comedy again.

Q: Why aren't you accepting Co-Authors anymore?
A: There were many complications about co-authoring during the second season.
I just decided I'd rather not have to deal with said complications again.

Civil War

Civil War, the first of its kind. The largest Multi-Author Series to date, with a count of 28 authors.


Q: How did this start out?
A: In May, I've been reading about the American Civil War during school.
I originally had planned a MAS featuring Gavla, The Bohrok Lord, and myself called War, but the idea was scrapped.
The idea was that Gavla and I would spark a rivalry and attempt to kill each other.
I thought about both topics, and the idea of Civil War was afloat.
I started recruiting as many authors that I could based on their comic making.
Whoever was interested, I linked to a blogsite specifically designed to give out details on the series.

Q: Civil War has been going through some problems. Why?
A: Many were worried that Civil War would collapse due to spam, and author insanity as I'd like to call it.
With the history of Multi Author Series falling due to such insanity, some authors were beginning to reconsider being in the series.
Civil War began to fill up with spam very quickly as we were stuck waiting for comics to be made due to the author-rotation.
I discontinued the author-rotation to ease out the tension and make comic making simpler amongst the authors.
Currently, there is a new strategy set amongst the authors, and it's working out smoothly.

Q: How long will Civil War last?
A: That depends on two things-
One: The structure. If the structure of the series begins to fall apart, the series will as well.
Two: How far we've gone.
I'm not sure exactly when I plan to end Civil War. With my retirement coming once V.3 ends, that question lies with no answer as of yet.
But I hope to continue the comics as long as possible.

Q: Why are you going to retire anyway?
A: Personally, I think by the time V.3 ends the comics forum wouldn't matter too much to me anymore.
I also need to focus on my real life. (The thing Dark709 does alot :P)

And now for my upcoming comic series...



Final Question: What about your retirement?

A: My retirement will not count towards RvB.
Basically, I'd be retiring from the Comics Forum, not comic making, considering this series will be placed as my banner every week.
I still would like to express my creativity without working too hard on something.
And thus, RvB will be that something.



Ten years before "The Quest for the Meta Sword," the island of Meta-Nui was guarded by the Toa Meta, a group of heroes readied for the worst to happen. However, sinister forces threaten the islands, forces that the Toa have never faced before. But as the conflict continues, a new, mysterious figure emerges…

Who is "Arch-Toa?" What is the purpose of Aeros-Nui? Will the Toa triumph? Find out in "City in the Sky!" An ICC production.


Recommended Comments

Venom's stuff: Seen it before, but good nonetheless.

Red vs. Blue: Hmm... interesting.

CitS: Also seen it before, also good nonetheless.

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V.3-Nothing big, but too bad about retirement.


Civil War-Nothing to comment.




CiTS-Simple premise, but looks like it could go places.



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