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Mata-Nui Weekly, May 7th to May 13th, 2014




As Summer approaches and the hold of schools on our players' lives begins to diminish the RPG has seen a rising of the tide. It's rather enjoyable to have some older players like The Doc come back and pull beloved favorites out of the closet for a little dusting off and curb stomping. In the larger scope of things the main plots seem to be moving forward as well: we've got the party happening soon, the Piraka are laying waste to a town, and in the past couple weeks we've even seen the use of antidermis ("supervillain steroids" to quote last week's podcast). Likewise the smaller plots are pushing forward and it's great to watch the events unfold. I really want to give a shout out to Toa Fanixe for his writing for this week. From the 2012 arc to today Fanixe has just exploded in writing style and RP prowess and I almost greedily wait for each Kulrik post.


In all, this has been a good week for the game. We've seen some old faces return, we've had a couple new faces pop by and make profiles, and we've had plots pushing forward.


Now, what's this about the new sections? First is the section you're reading now: Editorials. It doesn't sound like much when it's just me typing away, but Editorials is so much more! Send me a PM with things you're feeling for each week as they pass and I'll put your words in the Weekly. That even counts for THIS WEEK too. How cool is that? Yeah, pretty cool. Maybe I'll even do some form of avant garde collage out of it all, you never know. The second section is Media, which is more or less exactly what that word implies. Any art, podcasts, music, flash photography, or interpretive dances (etc., etc...) related to the BZPRPG with a credible link will be listed in one convenient place. Wondering if Demitsorou has thrown out another little piece of ambrosia to tickle your imagination? Check Media. Looking for Hubert's manly voice? Check Media. Want to see me making unlicensed portraits? Check media.


Until next week,



I feel like this week has been one of the slower ones that we're unfortunately used to at the moment, things have been set in motion, but there has't been any payoff. Here's to a better next week. ~Geardirector

News and Events


  • Amaki attempted to hide her speechless joy at when invited to play drums for the Chōjo at the masquerade. Daijuno mooched a pass from Amaki to the masquerade.
  • Soraya bade Mako and Soraph a good day and attended to her other customers in the pre-party flurry.
  • Yumiwa was surprised by a visit from her mother, Rora Yusanora. Yumia was assigned to act on the Rora's behalf during an expedition to Mata-Nui after the masquerade party.
  • Toroshu Noshima invited her Hogo clanswoman Akone to join her for the masquerade after putting Kamari in charge of the security.
  • Toroshu Kilanya received her invitation to the masquerade and first son Kulrik offered to travel together to the party. She declined on the grounds of not wanting to be seen as courting.
  • Lorekeeper Gotsoko revealed the past of the Dasakan empire. Once warlords, male warriors with armies under their control, ruled the five islands. They left destruction and chaos in their wake until the women rose up against the men and took the reins of civilization. The first Rora and Toroshus came about as a means of bringing peace and harmony to a shattered world. Kwaiya began to question the legitimacy of the Dasaka empire's claims of peace and order after listening to Ankora and the Lorekeeper.
  • Vildas Mako and Soraph took a walk in Sado's evening light.
  • Vilda first son Kulrik began to settle his differences with Nahila, the guard captain of Mahuika Hall, with a personal duel. Instead of using the magical blade he had found Kulrik conjured a soulsword rapier.
  • While Hanako polished Yumiwa's armor in the morning they discussed the Chōjo's relationship with her little sister, and men.


  • Greisk and Syvra dueled in the deep.


  • Avak and Vezok congregated inside the Lavapool ruins.
  • Zelvin and Elysi arrived to the scene of the explosion and made plans to ambush the two Piraka present, eventually also recruiting Jolek Highwind for the mission.
  • Aurum bought a load of weapons from Stronin.
  • Angelus revealed to Kino his love of Bacon, the Kini Nui battle is brought up.
  • The Toa Maru arrived in Ta-Koro, moving by rooftops while they prepared a plan against the Piraka.
  • Guardsmen Turo and Loren both got up close to the Piraka. While Turo eavesdropped Loren kicked in the door, before being pulled away by Jolek.
  • Mariko met DJ at the Ta-Koro Hospital.


  • Toa Aitua Kehua arrived in Ga-Koro and after helping a few citizens with tasks gained a favorable public image. He retreated to the Great Takea for lunch and was served by Rhea.
  • Liano and Barthel Deliresi fought to the finish. Liano won, but Barthel learned from the sparring session as his conscious left for a short while.
  • Mar and Avier began speaking outside the Great Takea.
  • Treize examined her ship at Nokama Dock. Open for interaction.


  • Skyra and Mihlra caught up with each other.
  • Colx and Vrina decided to begin swapping stories.
  • Shadowstalker escaped Jrahann and Asuno and headed into the Jungle.


  • The Maru learned of the Piraka's attack on Ta-Koro. After a quick discussion they traveled via Hiko to the fight.
  • Cetis began to build what may become a village in The Drifts.
  • Riaril left her hospital in search of news. She stopped Ferron in the streets but he had nothing to offer. Open for interaction.


  • Cetis punched trees.
  • Kehuri arrived home to find Naru awake.


  • Two members of the Toa Sarsi continued their search for a loose killer. Vail and Voulge traveled to the old district of Po-Koro and spoke with a few shady individuals.
  • Thentyle brought Kriigata up to speed on the happenings of the Brotherhood.
  • 88 pondered where he could find a printing press.
  • Rannin arrived from Ga-Wahi, having been hired temporarily for an upcoming kohlii game.


  • The BZPRPG Podcast,
    went live! Listen to Krayzikk, Tyler, Fabulous Sunshine, Mask, and Onarax discuss the skakdi in Ta-Koro, the Dasaka, and whether or not a full-scale war between island civilizations would be an fun. (Warning, the podcast is over an hour long. Please be prepared with snacks. The jokes get better halfway in.)
  • Prei, by Demitsorou.
  • Toroshu Kilanya, by Demitsorou
  • Ferron, by Demitsorou
  • Rhea Heartsflame (several images), by Kughii
  • Joske Nimil, by Kughii

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