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Fall of 3DS: July Haul





Preeeeetty expensive month...



Also can somebody explain to me how AR cards work? :( I bought my 3DS used (...seriously shouldn't have done that. But I could sell back for a loss and buy a new one; at least some of it will be covered) so of course didn't get any with it. But now I want to use the cards that came with preordering KH3D. And I can't shoot the freakin front of the box to even get past the tutorial. Can you simply not be viewing them online (due to having to move too much or whatever)? Seems like a waste of paper to have to print that thing out... Still will if I have to, but yeah.




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AR Cards on the 3DS work even if you just have the AR cards on your computer screen, so long as the image of them is of sufficiently-high quality. But you don't even need the AR cards which come with the system except for the AR Games app, and pretty much only the cards which come with the system work with that app, anyway. Most games which use AR Cards, including Kid Icarus: Uprising (and I'd assume Kingdom Hearts as well) use their own proprietary cards with an in-game viewer for them.


Hope this helps!

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Haha yeah, there was a point in KH3D where it was like "oh yeah if you have cards use them here!" And now I understand. :P


I ended up turning my phone into the card though lol. That way I could get "in front" of the stupid box enough to actually shoot it. But now that I've done that, probably neeeever gonna touch it again.


Good to know the other cards don't really do anything though.

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