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Yeah So Like...

Lady Kopaka


Current mood: Happy and in good hopes

Currently doing: Writing and Drawing

Currently listening to: Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack




VBS is almost over! *Dances* And my sister Rebbecca should be here tommorow around nighttime, I am so excited to see her!


My friend Laur came over to my house after church last night. (She had no one close by her to take her home, so she would just spend the night at our house) We stayed up mostly looking up stuff on Pirates I, II, and III, and found some VERY interesting stuff.


For example of we finding Barbossa's first name. Its so funny and totally does not suite him, no wonder everyone just calls him by his last name! But strangly, how bad it is for a pirate, its still a good 'one.


Or we reading part of the draft script for Pirates III.


Sadly of course(Ok it isn't sad), Laur has noticed my begining interest into Barbossa, now she says my fad over General Grievous is over, and Barbossa is my new one.....


I am a fangirl to the weirdest guys. :lol:




I also have finally gotten back into my writing faze, just started up on an Indiana Jones and PotC fanfic, and working on a few others that I haven't worked on in forever, and just got an idea for a good original story.


Yay for the glory of writing.


Ok, off to go work on that HUGE project. About to ink!


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Hey, how dare you call Grievous wierd?! I mean he's just a robot with fully functioning organs and a chunk of an organic brain-- Oooh, wait, that is wierd. :blink:


Like, yeah, can't wait for the huge project!!! *excitement*


Read my blog? Please?



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Sorry mate, I know there not weird. I totally love Grievous. What I ment was I don't go for guys like Will Turner or whatever.

Who's this Will Turner, of which you speak? :blink: <=I liek using tihs !!1one!!11!



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Sorry mate, I know there not weird. I totally love Grievous. What I ment was I don't go for guys like Will Turner or whatever.

But Will Turner is such a charming lad.


ZOMG huge project.



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Grevious is HOT dangit. I've a thing for robots, in case you haven't guessed yet.


You think that you fangirl weird guys? I've been fangirling Vakama for almost a year now and he's STILL hot. Why do I fangirl him? Because he's got a hot Irish accent and no one can tell why. Seriously. That's hot.

However, I'm currently considering switching over to being the Zaktan Fangirl, due to the fact that Vakama's back to being a creepy old man who doesn't understand! Zaktan's hot, so I can take him. OH YEAH. *pets Zaktan*

Don't get me STARTED on non-Bionicle ones. Let's just say that if it's a robot, I'm all over it. HK-47 anyone?

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OOhhh Miss Krahka, did you know that I would have said the same thing? :P Yes, Zahktan is totally awesome, and seriously, Vakama is HOT. *Squeals*


But I am still going for my dear Kopaka.


Omg, thats so true! I have been screaming over HK-47 for the longest time.

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