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Good Bye, Bzpers....

Jedi Master J.


Today's the day, you all been waiting for...No, it isn't the day, I leave Bzpower for good...Today is the last day of my Premiership here. I originally thought I had until 27th for this blog, but it turns out I became Premier today, so today is the final day of Premiership. :(


I guess it isn't that sad as my blog is possibly the most boring thing to read out there. It is unfortunate though that I had about two entries planned to get up before this time came and it looks like I won't be able to do those entries after all. So, I like to apologized to Mrs. Macku for not getting the entry, we were working on, up before then; I am sorry, Mrs. Macku. I will say that it maybe possible that I can still work on the Help Topic list for the entry and maybe get it up during Bzpower's next Anniversary, if they still give out Premier powers for a week.


Beside that Newb Help Entry, I was going to write a review entry about the three Summer Sets, I got, but it doesn't look like I'll have the time to write it sadly. I will tell you that the sets were Mazeka, Takanuva, and Rockoh T3, which I got during my trip down the shore on the 21th at a Wal-Mart there.


For the most part, I like all the sets, but I can say without lying that I sort of like Mazeka's vehicle better than most of the others as I can imagine clearly in my mind, an army of these vehicle protecting Karda Nui from invasion. I will say I can't imagine these vehicles being mobile at least flight wise that is for they seem to me like a vehicle meant to sit in place to guard an area from harm.


I could rambled on about the sets, but I think it will lessen my time in this entry to show you other things like my school schedule for my 11th Grade year. Of course, if you want a small quick review from me, you might want to post in this entry before Midnight as I will have no powers to do anything after that I believe(although it been say you could edit entries, I just don't want to take the risk of bumping it up by mistake as that breaks the Blog rules, when you aren't Premier.). Anyway, for those that are interested in JMJ's School Schedule, please look below:


Period 1: X Chemistry

Period 2: Study Hall(On Days 1-4 and 6)/X Chemistry Lab(On Day 5)

Period 3: X American Literature

Period 4: X Introduction to Calculus with Trigonometry

Period 5: Lunch and Physical Education/Health at Technical School

Period 6-7: Unknown Technical School classes related to Applied Engineering Technology course of the School


I personally not sure about my last two periods since the schedule gets a little weird there. I may actually be mistaken about my Lunch and PE being in one period, but the schedule show it that way, so I don't know really. I just know that I have Lunch and PE at the Technical School. So, I guess I'll have to wait for September 4th to find out what periods, they are and where I go to get over to the Technical School for half the day.


I just hope this year won't be as bad as I think it will be, since I have a confusing schedule, the new numbers to the rooms, the SAT, and the PSSA to worried about. Hmm...That's basically all I had to say with this entry, so I guess this is good bye. It was nice talking to you all for a year. *sadly waves as he clicks 'Post New Entry' button*



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Why is it I just favorited this blog and now it has to die!? Drat!! :angry:


Anywho, it would only bump the entry if you made it a draft and then re-published it. As long as you don't draft it, it won't get bumped and you'll be safe.


Sorry to hear that your premiership is over.... :( I would have LOVED to hear about the two vehicle sets!


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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