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Weekly Update - 7/2

Black Six



This is the first Weekly Update of the rest of your life, also, the first one from my new place. But that's the topic of another entry. You guys are here for BZPower stuff, I'm sure.



And there's not much. It's a holiday weekend and all, and we're busy.


The BBC Contest deadline has been extended until July 10th, and we've announced some pretty awesome (and appropriate) prizes for it. Huge thanks to Cryoshell, the team at Advance, and Kelly for hooking us up. Don't you want to build something?


Our newest episode of the BZPowercast went up this week too. You can listen to us ramble on and on and on (and on!) about a variety of different topics. Next year should hopefully be a super-awesome show. If not, the one after that will hopefully be recorded at BrickFair and be equally awesome.


I'm hoping for a review this weekend. No guarantees though.


Other than that, there's not much to say. We're working on stuff, but it's slow going. Lots of planning for BrickFair though - you don't want to miss it if you can come. If you can't - send stuff in!



1. So I heard from a very unreliable source that it is rumor that you very well may, indeed, like the rare specimen of Pokèmon known as the Mudkip. Is this true or false?

2. Do you actually like being an Admin, or is it just a day-after-day "Oh great, I have to still do this" thing?

3. Did you just lose the game?

4. Have you ever won the game?

5. Have you ever even played the game?

6. aLl YoUr BaSe ArE bElOnG tO uS

7. Was that a question?

8. I do believe my sanity has run out. What do you think?

9. Will this message really explode in ten seconds?

10. .................?

1. Most definitely false. The last Pokemon game I played didn't even have Mudkips.

2. It definitely has its perks.

3. The what?

4. Play the game everybody play the game of love.

5. It's a great album.

6. I think not.

7. No.

8. Did you ever have it?

9. No.

10. .oOo.oOo.oOo.....


Just a follow up on this

Apologies if that question line was suspicious, The Train of thought at that point in time was 'I wonder How I can make BZP Better...Well, first find out how it can be made worse and prevent it....'

You don't have to worry about me, I'm stuck in Hawaii, not going anywhere...for now...


1) What would an 'Expensive new server' cost?

2) If you had your choice, what character that has no set would you have made into one? (Other than the obvious 'all')

3) Do you miss the Bubble Wrap?

1) Thousands to tens of thousands of dollars, potentially.

2) I can't think of any offhand.

3) Not really, board messages are much rarer these days than they have been in the past.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Lots of unpacking and organizing for me to, so I'm gonna get going. Have a good weekend everyone!


Recommended Comments

Much rarer? I get a board message at LEAST every other day!

So that's 50% less than when it was happening every day. I rest my case.


In all seriousness though, I only see it once every other week or so, tops. I don't know what times you're trying to access the site that this is happening, but it may be because your visits coincide with when we do our site backups or other maintenance.

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