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Shirt Contest: A Plea






Okay guys, here's the deal: The deadline is 6 days overdue, and we only had TWO entries for the contest. Previous years we had upwards of 20. Honestly, this is pathetic. That is not a contest, that is a sham.


I have not closed the entry and will accept entries here until Tuesday the 29th, so if you had an idea at the back of your head for a shirt design, enter it. If you said you were going to enter and did not, enter it. Do it. Now. If not, chances are this will be cancelled this year and few people really want that to happen, at least publicly.


And if you don't enter like you said you would, I will buy MLP merchandise and kick it into a wood chipper. :angry:


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I've got a design I'm trying to get done, but it's a major hassle to get a very important portion of it done, and I've had other stuff on my plate. I may be able to pull it off, but don't hold your breath.

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:kaukau: I revoke my statement that I was going to join. Real life projects got in the way, and the idea that I had in mind would have required that I learned more about photoshop, and unfortunately I don't have access to that now that school is over.


However, I'll keep the design I had in mind around for next year, and maybe I'll work on it during a computer class I'll inevitably be taking around college.


I'm really sorry things didn't work out this year (but now you've experienced first-hand the story of my life, so I have some villainous satisfaction).


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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