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Recovery Week



I had so many plans for what I was going to do over winter break. I could work on one of my many stories. I could do this art / animation idea I've had, or even try and make it a flash game like the MNOLG. I could finish organizing my Lego collection. And I was planning to watch a whole bunch of movies too! (And also, pack and prepare for my internship in Dallas.)


But it turns out recovering from a surgery has left me unmotivated, and I haven't taken advantage of my free time at all. Mostly what I've done is slept in bed, laid in bed trying to sleep but failing to do so because my stomach is growling, watching enviously as my family eats foods that I cannot currently eat myself, and staring blankly at a computer screen with no inspiration to work on any of my projects. :(


Seriously, tho, it's not too bad. I'm not in pain or anything, and the liquid diet is mostly just an annoyance. I am certainly a lot better off than a whole lot of people, so I am thankful for my good fortune and health.


But yeah I am going to have a long to-do list by the end of the month. >.<




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