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About Obsessionist

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    Virginia, USA
  • Interests
    >Dungeons & Dragons, and other TTRPGs
    >Nintendo, especially Mother/Earthbound and Zelda
    >A few anime, foremost: Cowboy Bebop

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Ice Warrior

Ice Warrior (137/293)

  1. Great use of those stickers (?) on the thighs!
  2. Very gritty, cyberpunk look. I like the ribcage.
  3. She did great! I like the lower lets using the Metru limb bits to convert the weird sideways ball joint into a more posable option.
  4. Thanks for running things, Tufi and BZP! I always love these contests.
  5. 10 MOCs, not a bad turnout! And some impressive stuff!
  6. Nice way to bring back the Maori inspiration! I like the spear weapon and the Vahi belt.
  7. It is in fact for the BBCC
  8. He punch! He swim! He get wrecked by Gali! Mantis Tarakava by Obsessionist, on Flickr
  9. I've got a soft spot for Metru torsos used as forearms
  10. Very cool! I like the black chaos, the black tohunga arms are really great.
  11. Thanks guys! This was a fun time. I'm so glad BBCCs are still happening twenty years in, here's hoping they keep happening for a while yet!
  12. Adult swim was indeed a blast
  13. A love letter to the Mata Nui Online Game. Le-Koro Platform Le-Koro Platform
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