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Giddy Giddy Giddy



I am probably more excited about these than I should be... but oh well.




These were found at a Fred Meyers, who again released collectible minifigures in December when they're supposed to be out in January. (Granted, it's late December this time round.) They seriously must've gone out today. There were some picked through boxes, but there were also a bunch of unopened boxes in the back. Now, I could've just bought a full box and then sell the extras online... but I'm not that mean and don't have that much spare cash anyhow. But I did open a new box in order to find Gail and Abe, so that helps.


Now, quick review!!


Marsha Queen of the Mermaids: My, my, lots of pastel colors here. Medium lavender, medium blue (I think) hair, trans pink crystal… she certainly stands out. And a lovely mermaid design yet again. She’s rare (2 to a box) but her large tail piece is bulky and easy to feel.


Wild West Wyldstyle: This has to be one of my favorites from this batch! A cool gothic-style dress, and the hair piece is also well designed, although I presume it’s the same we’ll see later on in the official sets. A fitting alternate version of the female lead! Moderately rare, at 4 to a box. The dress is the piece that stands out the most, but one of the lady robots also has a dress, so don’t confuse the two. Unique to Wyldstyle is the fan piece, and potentially her hair piece.


Hard Hat Emmet: Yay, the lead protagonist, although he is kind of lackluster compared to the others. I initially thought he’d be in every set for the Lego movie, but that’s not the case, so he’s not too repetitive here. His torso and legs might be the same as the set version, but he has a 1x2 tiles with some interesting printing on it (which includes a shark eating a fig. . . I assume that becomes relevant later?) The best part is the hard hat, which has a bit of hair included on the back. Emmet also has a two sided head; one face is happy, and one face is EXTRA happy. This is a really awesome combo, especially compared to so many of the due annoyed/angry faces in the licensed sets. Anyway, he’s kind of hard to feel for, since nothing really stands out; I guess check for the 1x2 tile and then verify that he doesn’t have handcuffs, because the policeman also has a 1x2 tile but has handcuffs. Still, he’s common at 6 to a box.


Gail the Construction Worker: I image Gail to have a crush on Emmet in the movie and him being totally oblivious to it… but maybe it’s the other way around? Anyway, I am really impressed to see a new torso mold and everything for a standard city position in a female variety. (The Lego Movie sets seem to include a lot of females, with a ratio that might even surpass city sets.) In addition to a feminen torso print (front and back) Gail also has her own special hard hat piece with a ponytail. I thought they’d reuse Emmet’s helmet, so the new mold is welcome. Oh, and she has a jack hammer, which is the piece to feel for. Sadly, she’s rare at only 2 to a box.


Panda Guy: Seriously, I’ve been expecting this since we got the gorilla guy. He totally reminds me of the mascot you could hire in the original Roller Coaster Tycoon. The head piece is totally awesome with some great printing and molded nose. The front of the torso / legs is kind of basic, but there is a zipper printed on the back, which is cool. The teddy bear / panda is also lovely, and my favorite iteration of that toy mold. And the minifig face behind the head piece is sticking his tongue out and sweating a bit, so that adds some character! When feeling for him, you could try to locate the large head piece with the ears, or the obscure shape of the toy panda. Although this fig is common at 6 to a box, I expect him to fly off the shelves. (I helped someone at the store today locate one. . . after I had secured my own, of course.


Abraham Lincoln: One of the first named historical figures, and already a hit after his one line in the movie’s trailer! I sure hope he has more of a role than just that one scene, but I guess that would still be enough to justify his existence here. The top hat and beard are all one piece, so no customizing head gear for him, and he comes with a 2x2 tile that starts off with “Four score and seven years ago.” Nothing Lego related in that, but it’s still awesome. To find Abe, you could locate the 2x2 tile, but two other figs also have one, so also check for the tall hat to verify. He’s only moderately rare at 4 to a box.


Given time, I will probably buy the full set of these, but honestly I got the ones I wanted most right off the bat. The rest are good, but I can wait until after the mad rush to pick them up. (And there’s only one dud IMO… the bearded robot. The rest are certainly on my want list, just not at the top of said list. :P )


And if you’re near a Fred Meyers, it wouldn’t hurt to check them out. But not all of them release the sets early; I know DeVee’s said his store didn’t have them, but they had the Ninjago sets earlier this month when my stores didn’t, and given how many rabid fans there are in this area, they might not last long.



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The combined hat and beard for Lincoln is a little bit of a disappointment. I can see the hat mold not being entirely useful for other minifigures, but the beard certainly could be. Oh well. Do want that mermaid, though.

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I completely disagree about Gail. She seems to me like a tough gal who has no time for Emmet's shenanigans. But I suppose we'll see.

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