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How fun is it to wake up early in the morning, shove yourself in a classroom and take a brutal exam for four hours straight. Not only that... you pay for it too! Yep, the great fun of taking the SAT tests... apparently you need 'em for college or something.


Can't say anything about the actual test... secrecy and stuff. If you think they go overboard with the SAT, they go crazy with secrecy on all the Advanced Placement Tests in May... :bigeek: This was my second time taking it, and it wasn't so bad. First off, I already knew what to expect (kinda) and secondly, I did well on my first test, so if I blow this one it won't be the end of the world. Just apart of the last week of the world for me. :P


Anyway, the questions and writing didn't get to me... it's waking up at six to do something. I don't care if the world starts at seven in the morning... I like sleeping in! At least, wehn I got back from the test, I took a five hour long nap.


And thus my sleep scedual went KABLOEY! and I won't want to wake up earlier than 10 for the rest of the... week. Or year.


:wakeup2: Question, how do people read this stuff in blogs? :lol:




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I can honsetly say I've never taken one of these SAT things, or anything like that to get into college. Got m'self a diploma, but that's about it.


As for the blog thing, if we don't read about every aspect of each other's lives, what reason is there to have one to begin with?

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Answer: Because some of us do that.


I wake at six in the morning every weekday. Don't go KABLOEY over that. I'm still quite alive.


Ahh, SATS, the American equivalent of the exams I took last year; means Standard Advanced Test System or something, I can't recall, but I've heard of this tons.


Fingers crossed for ya.




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SAT stands for "Scholastic Aptitude Test"


Mark for you to beat, xccj: 1510 (720 SAT-V, 790 SAT-M)


And I wasn't an Honors Scholar winner, either. I needed a 1520 or a 4.0 (which I lost in 9th grade) to turn that trick.



-KIE, who last took an SAT in 1996, but took the GRE in 2002 and got a 2210.



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I wake at six in the morning every weekday. Don't go KABLOEY over that. I'm still quite alive.

It's not just waking up at 6... it's going to bed at 12 and falling asleep at 1...


Mark for you to beat, xccj: 1510 (720 SAT-V, 790 SAT-M)

:blink: Not even close.... although I did get 690 on my math, but seriously, that's pretty high, KIE! :)



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