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Recording Another Journey

Pahrak Model ZX


I’ve been replaying Pokémon X on and off, but I kept forgetting to post my team up here. It’s important to me that I continue my PokéRecords! Anyway, I’ve beaten Diantha, haven’t decided if I’m going to do the Looker quest or not, here’s the team and their current levels:


-Gawain the Chesnaught, Lv 70

-Adell the Mega Charizard X, Lv 70

-Rose the Florges, Lv 71

-Nocturn the Barbaracle, Lv 69

-Reidak the Krookodile, Lv 70

-Pewku the Mega Scizor, Lv 71


I was unsure about trying out Florges, but Rose is an awesome part of my team. I’m also glad I got to try out all three starters, though since Greninja was first it still holds a very special place in my heart. I’ve also tried out the Mega Evolutions of all Kanto starters, so that’s cool. (I mean, I didn’t have a Mega Charizard Y on any of my main teams, but I tested one out. I like X better anyway.) The other three are just Pokémon I’ve been wanting to try out for a while. It was pretty fun!


There are still so many Pokémon I want to try out, though…I already have tentative teams for Omega Ruby and Z (or whatever), but I need to fight off the urge to restart X again…


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Liking the Bionicle names, well chosen. How does Barbacle play? I think he's an interesting Pokemon, and I've heard he's good, but I don't know anything about him.

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Florges would probably be in my party on Y if it were part Grass. Last I played I was trying to replace my Leafeon, and a Grass/Fairy type would be awesome. But as it is, Whimsicott just won't cut it for me.

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Barbaracle is pretty nice actually. It's a little fragile as a Binacle, but if you stick with it, it'll get pretty solid and pretty strong once it evolves. It might be a while before you get a move you like for it, though, and I don't know how diverse its movepool is since I just stuck with the same handful for most of the game. I think it has some lacking special stats, but Nocturn still hits darn hard with Surf. There's also Razor Shell. Razor Shell is nice.

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