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So I Herd Yu Liek Rpgizzles

Riisiing Moon






Wanna know 'bout the RPGs you might see from yours truly?


Well, one's called Project Junkyard.


Sounds childish?


Because I personally don't think religious murderers, heaps of half-mad, hive mind trash monsters, robots, and apocalypses sound childish.


But that's just me.


Second one is still unnamed, but I'll let you in on two phrases--


Pioneers on Artakha, and revolutionary gameplay.


Now scat!


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I have not, but I've played in probably around ten RPGs or so by now, submitted two notably successful ones, and worked for months on end on perfecting just the gameplay process. Not to mention I observe techniques pretty closely, try to develop successful ones, and consider myself pretty knowledgable in the areas of psychology and impress and pleasing people. If I do say so myself. :P

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I'm voting for you.




But then again, I've already heard the whole outline straight from the Kikanalo mouth.




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As I recall...:P


For the record, they're not precisely a hivemind--they don't share a true collective consciousness, but they can read each other's minds and communicate telepathically. They may have general telepathic abilities.

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