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A Little Late, But Not Too Much



Because the forums went offline on Friday (though not before I was able to update my epics), I was unable to post a "Friday Dimension Hoppers Update" entry like I usually do. So I am doing it today, even if it is a bit late. It's never too late to advertize something, which movie commericals prove when they play a commerical for a movie that came out the day before, still claiming that the movie has yet to come out.


In "Dimension Hoppers," Isarot and Kiriah are put to work on Ehlek's ship. Or at least Isarot is, while Kiriah must stay in her cabin due to Ehlek's paranoia and distrust of the two dimension hoppers.




In "Dimension Hoppers: The Other Tale," Toa Nasis and Ahova wait for Kafor's messenger to arrive with the information they bought from her, while the Dark Hunter Raider makes his way to Tanjo Nui by order of the Shadowed One.


Also, as the NaNoWriMo content block shows, my NaNo novel reached 37,000 words, which means I am over half way to 50,000. I am actually ahead of my schedule, which is a pleasant surprise. However, I fear I am getting to the point where I must, inevitably, make stuff up, although it's not that difficult, since one of the main characters has an unofficial addiction to lawsuits (although so far he has yet to win any of them).


So it's great to see the forums back. See ya,




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