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Once Upon a Brick

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Maybe it has to do with the fact I ranted last night, but for some reason my frustrations lead me to do fan stuff for Once.




Regina (queen/mayor) and Emma. These two are gonna be best friends before this show is over. Emma is one of my favorite protags in a show. Regina is a fantastic character when the show knows what it's doing.


Not loving where this season is headed so far, but I am liking Maleficent's backstory potential. So long as it's not another Neverland arc I think I'll be good. The past season was good, but not spectacular.


Also, Belle, you asked for help with a complex ancient spell in our world and got advice online from a university professor which told you how to use magic to get people out of a hat... And you seriously thought none of that was suspicious at all... I... I just...


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I have no idea why but the figure on the far right (Emma) reminds me of Leslie from Parks and Recreation. Maybe it's the hair color.


Also, on your last point...you say that like people getting trapped in hats isn't something that happens here. In fact, just the other day I had to drag my idiotic friend out of a fedora he trapped himself in. Used ram's blood and everything. Do your research!

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I actually switched her hair with the series minifig mermaids from a while back.

As first I thought you made it blue because the only Collectible Minifig mermaid I knew was this one. And then I found this one.


I mean, I can dig the blue look. Not sure that's Emma's thing, though.

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