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Internet Connection, Eh?



*finally managed to get to a computer*


Ya, I'm still not close to home... 'bout 10 or 11 hours away right now... so I'll type up a full thingamawhats when I get to a better connection.


But yeah, I've got some new pieces for you all in the Artwork forum tomorrow or Thursday, when I get home to my scanner. :)


And I re-caught my Minnesotan accent.


Which, for some odd reason, I've missed a lot.




And it's cold.


Well... cold for September, at least. Especially when compared to how warm the rest of the country is.


Most of you all are sitting pretty in the 70's to the 90's.


It's been 50 degrees all week here. The only cold corner of the U.S. that isn't on a mountain.




Ah well. At least it isn't, like, December or something up here. Nothing beats -45F with wind chill in Minnesota. :P




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Reminds me of that song about Minnesota. But it's got very slight political overtones, despite being funny. It was about how cold it is up there.


I ain't got nae acthent, whutchoo talking 'bout, eh? :P


The internet removes the joy of hearing people talk.

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Reminds me of that song about Minnesota. But it's got very slight political overtones, despite being funny. It was about how cold it is up there.


I ain't got nae acthent, whutchoo talking 'bout, eh? :P


The internet removes the joy of hearing people talk.


It's so cold in Minnesota, men walk down the sidewalks with icicles hanging from their beards. REALLY. O_o


Na, that's more Southern. Drop your 'O's and lengthen your 'A's. Sorta like a Canadian, eh?


It's like that purple minivan in CARS - She's from Minnesota, that's for sure. :P I've been to Crazy Days a lot - had it in my hometown several times. Fun fun fun!





I missed you! How you feeling?

I hope your journey was safe…




I'm doing much better. Real tired, though - forgot to take my iron today. ><


Still another day of driving to go, too.





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I'm doing much better. Real tired, though - forgot to take my iron today. ><


Still another day of driving to go, too.






Oy that's harsh.... I know how that feels... it's like


"Must move legs.... so much sitting down" :wacko:


Drive/ride safely ^_^



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Long bus/car/plane rides = peh.

Unless you've got a good movie playing, or a good person to talk to, or a good book or Full Metal Alchemist on your iPod... But otherwise, pleh.


BTW, welcome back to the strange place called 'ceeveeleezayshun'



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