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Everybody Copy Biomech!

Vezon The Piraka


Everybody start copying Biomech's "smile" avatar. We're gonna make a fad out of this. I, Cag'gerin (or whatever he is now), Dokuma, Sunburst, BCJ and a few others are already participating.


Let the fad BEGIN!




On another note, I just saw the Metallica interview and apparently the concert was SO SUCCESSFUL, they're coming in Bulgaria again NEXT YEAR! :D




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How do I get an avatar like that? I don't have B-Shelf or anything...




Here are some easy steps to make your own Biomech av copy...


1. Right click on Biomech's "smile" avatar and click on "Save As". Save it as a file.

2. Open it in a photo editing program like Photoshop, Paint or whatever.

3. Erase the "Bio" text. Only the text. Leave the smile.

4. Write your name (short version, nickname, initials, etc.) using a font of your choice and make sure for it to be grey text.

5. Save file.


And bingo! Avatar made.



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How do I get an avatar like that? I don't have B-Shelf or anything...




Here are some easy steps to make your own Biomech av copy...


1. Right click on Biomech's "smile" avatar and click on "Save As". Save it as a file.

2. Open it in a photo editing program like Photoshop, Paint or whatever.

3. Erase the "Bio" text. Only the text. Leave the smile.

4. Write your name (short version, nickname, initials, etc.) using a font of your choice and make sure for it to be grey text.

5. Save file.


And bingo! Avatar made.



Fortunately for two of you (you know who you are :P ), my paint program is acting up again. <_< Doesn't work and no -- I don't have Photoshop.


Help? :blush:



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How do I get an avatar like that? I don't have B-Shelf or anything...




Here are some easy steps to make your own Biomech av copy...


1. Right click on Biomech's "smile" avatar and click on "Save As". Save it as a file.

2. Open it in a photo editing program like Photoshop, Paint or whatever.

3. Erase the "Bio" text. Only the text. Leave the smile.

4. Write your name (short version, nickname, initials, etc.) using a font of your choice and make sure for it to be grey text.

5. Save file.


And bingo! Avatar made.



Fortunately for two of you (you know who you are :P ), my paint program is acting up again. <_< Doesn't work and no -- I don't have Photoshop.


Help? :blush:




Then... try Shops & Kits.



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