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Lots Of Woahs

Lady Kopaka


First off, concerning 24…WHAT THE HECK TONY!? :[


Why can't Star Trek come sooner? ; 0


New Fullmetal Alchemist episodes at last! First episode was ownage. Can’t wait to properly watch them on DVD later (even though I enjoy watching it in Japanese, lets hope the dubbing will be good if they ever do that).




I’m not very a materialistic or a TV/Movie fan, but wooaaah…this has been awesome.


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24-- To quote Jack: "I will kill you, and you will stay dead this time!" :P


I know how you feel. he's made me real mad, although I loved Jonas' arrest.


Slumdog--Haven't seen it yet, but myt friend just lent it to me and I plan to very soon.


FMA--IT'S THE ED-MACE! :P Also, Isaac uses his own blood. ISSOKEWL!


Assassin's Creed--Interesting...Not surprised, really. You should see the trailer for Dante's Inferno. Being a Divine Comedy, I think it's cool.



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Quantum of Solace is <3. I hope I can be allowed to buy it whenever I have some money (someday...), it's one of my favorite bonds.


"Do you regret anything?"-"No. What about you?"-"Of course not, that'd be unprofessional."

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I have told myself (what is this, like, the fifth time?) that I should start watching 24. So far, no dice. :(


Also in response to a little-later-woah, that may fit in here as this has to do with TV topics, FRINGE officially blows my mind so often, I have no mind anymore. Oh, wait, I didn't before, anyway....


:D Batigaspizard! :D


FMA: yet another show that I can't watch because Xenronns need so much sleep. And have so little moneys. :P



Edit: If you don't happen to watch Fringe, but like SciFi, then you should. Tuesdays at 9 pm, Fox.

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I know, right? I was like, "Tony, whatchu doin'? You be good guy!" :(


I've seen the first episode the new FMA Anime. And I gotta say, I was actually really disappointed. I love the first anime, even though it's different than the manga. I think it's much deeper and stuff.



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MA: yet another show that I can't watch because Xenronns need so much sleep. And have so little moneys.

I actually watched it on the internet for free like most people I'm sure, because the dub/DVD stuff isn't even out yet.


I've seen the first episode the new FMA Anime. And I gotta say, I was actually really disappointed. I love the first anime, even though it's different than the manga. I think it's much deeper and stuff.

Well um, this is the first episode. It's hard to really judge it yet when we've seen just one out of what...30+ episodes?

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I've seen the first episode the new FMA Anime. And I gotta say, I was actually really disappointed. I love the first anime, even though it's different than the manga. I think it's much deeper and stuff.

Well um, this is the first episode. It's hard to really judge it yet when we've seen just one out of what...30+ episodes?[/color]


This is true. But I'm a pessimist. :P


Although, when the guy used his blood as a weapon- that was pretty dang cool.



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MA: yet another show that I can't watch because Xenronns need so much sleep. And have so little moneys.

I actually watched it on the internet for free like most people I'm sure, because the dub/DVD stuff isn't even out yet.


Oh, right. Yeah. I knew that. :P I was just testing you. I'm totally going to watch that now...




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I wasn't like, enthralled with FMA 2: Shintetsu, but that's because I so badly want the show to follow the manga storyline, which I DEARLY LOVE! :lovesign: But, it's still nice to be seeing the brothers again. Roy Mustang's voice actor changed for the Japanese version, but he still sounds all right. And the opening and ending themes are amazing!!

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