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Lemon Club



This was Bundaling's idea, so, um, yeah. We've decided to start a Lemon Club, where you can express your opinions for Lemons, or just ignore them, you decide. To join, simply post a comment in this entry.


If you think this is rather bizarre, then you should probably read this entry, which explains why Lemons are so great.


And here's a wonderful bannner:




Alternatively, here's a user bar:




And of course, here's a custom Lemon Smilie:




If you want to make the banner into a link, just copy and paste this code into your signature:



So there you go.smilemon.gif




Zero Two


Aanchir: Rachira of Time






~Ruhann: Rider of Azuakk~





Titan XP





Sumiki the Roadrunner


Commodore van Beebo2579


kongu888: Fighter of magnetisim




master mind 3.0

President Lhikan

Michael Toa of Lightning


The Mystery Member


Toa Axzaa

Lunarite toa of the moon


Ultimate Nobody

Vahki 530

Barraki of Boomerangs


Toa Vezorn

Legendary Guardian of Time

Toa Inika X Matthew

Barraki Zuju: Electric

Chocolate Frogs

// Air Freak



biovee: toa of hockey

Toa Vahkshi of Electricity

Onxy-Toa of Sonyx

Autobot Kopaka

Knogu Inika



Darth Maul


Toa Nuva Ponewtu



Hakkan Barraki of Colours


Garfield fan!

Roa McToa

Kurnak The Overlord

Tigs: The Candy Man

Toa of Geckos

pridak king

toa lewa8796




Toa Mirok Nuva

Fyren diamondpoint

Letagi Great Toa of Air


The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf


mr bionicool


Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter


piraka ain't cute


The Sword of the Heart

Alku Toa of Rahi

The Egg Of Choas

Galin: A Dark Hunter's Fear

Rabin: Toa of Electricity

Lord Ehlek

The Holy Chair



Dark Pickle

Toa Dave: The Savior of Trix

the earth man


Hakama. Toa of Deloreans andVWs

jallers comics




kritu:destinys warrior

Lyichir: Rachira of Influence


Emperor of Chaos



Carapar: The Destroyer



Toa Viran



philbert toa of steak



matoro toa of ice


Scythrax-Toa of cheese


Kanohi Wearer


Lemon Club Challege 1:

Design a Toa of Lemons


Winner - Aanchir


Lemon Club Challenge 2:

Write a poem or story about Lemons


Winner - Arpy


Recommended Comments

You're welcome, Jaller Igniter. By the way, everyone seems to be ignoring my quiz...:P

Random lemon thing of the week (Maybe I won't make one of these every week): Lemonade and Limeade are equivalent. I think.

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Be careful with the Lemon emote, I fear the Rift will collapse with all the citrusy goodness floying around everywhere. -S

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Wow, there are tons of random members posting "Lemons are coolishneish and such" comments. :P

I've just tried some limes, and boy, I like lemons better. Limes are rather acidic.

Well, lemons are acidic as well, but limes taste more acidic.



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Wow, there are tons of random members posting "Lemons are coolishneish and such" comments. :P

I've just tried some limes, and boy, I like lemons better. Limes are rather acidic.

Well, lemons are acidic as well, but limes taste more acidic.



That is true, but I find that limes, limeade, and anything related to limes have a very funny aftertaste...


EDIT: Spelling.... >.<

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Yessir, I agree with that. It's that burned feeling in your tongue, right? That's the acid in the lime melting your tongue. Really. But only a little.


Random Lemon thing of the week:

The Lemons are struggling...


To hold back the menace of the limes...






(Disclaimer: This movie is not in production and never will be.)


I wouldn't be too sure...have you seen any of my movies? Look for the block on the left.



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We should speak out against Peter, Paul, and Mary (The band). Not only did they write "Puff the Magic Dragon", the saddest song ever :crying: , but they also wrote "Lemon Tree", a song that totally disses lemons, calling them "impossible to eat." Who's with me?


- IPB Image


EDIT: Have you seen the ads at the top of the page on this entry? They're random :blink: .

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Actually, the ads are random because it shows different ads each time, so we don't really know which one you're talking about :P


Sorry Seran, I haven't really seen any of your movies. That was simply a joke for the lemon club members.


Random lemon club thing of the week:Secret coded message!


vpmhtsd@ Upi jsbr gpmf yjr ,rddshr@ Og upi str trsfomh yjod. Upi jsbr gpimf yjr ,rddshr@

Upit trestf eo;; nr yjod: yjr eptf :R<PM@@@@ JSJSJS@@


That actually spells out something. PM Me if you think you know the message!


Hint: Position of the letters on your keyboard.



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Oh awesome a club for people who like LEMONS! LEMONS are so great that lower case letters are not worthy to be placed in the order to spell the word. I love LEMON flavored candy it is my favorite, but if there is blue raspberry then that is my favorite. But I still like LEMONS, LEMONade, LEMONheads, LEMON drops, LEMON flavored iced tea, powdered LEMON extract (SOUR!!!), etc. about LEMONS. I think Oranges are the second greatest fruit because limes don't taste to good.




P.S. Can I join the LEMON club please?

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Here's another thing for the Club Members:


Random lemon thing of the week:


What do you get when you cross a lemon with another lesser fruit?


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
A wasted lemon.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Okay, now that wasn't funny at all...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Maybe I should add another thing to this.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
"To Lemon or not to Lemon...that is the question." - William Shakespear

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Alright...that was even worse.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Bah...this wasn't such a good idea.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
"Lego MindStorms LemoNXT..." -Random Commercial Narrator

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Eh...maybe I should stop now.

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Can I be part of the lemon club i eat pure lemons once a day and same with pure lemon juce i am hmmmmm....... coo coo for lemons just thinking of one makes me :drooling: :drooling: :drooling: . I would love to join this due to my natural obsession over lemons. Whenever I am given a lemon with my food in a resteraunt, I make sue no one can see me then I eat it place it in my drink and ask for another.

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i have a good idea for a lemon story here is the paragraph



"The Rise Of The Lemon Kingdom Part One"


"Late at night, in the desolate forest lies a hunter. A simple lemon shaped hole lay in the middle of his scalp. As I look at the slightly faded track of yellow, I follow it. It leads me into a wild jungle of foliage. I see the monster: it has scaly skin that is tinted yellow and is in the shape of an oval with two yellow spikes in each end. I try to touch it, it spits yellow juice at me. As I lay on the ground writhing in pain, it comes up at me. Slowly it reaches my hand. Out of fear I get up, knock the lemon to the ground and run out of that place. Will that horrid monster enslave humanity? It is not a matter of if. It is a matter of when.”


From the diary of Dorman Exuvient.



it will be the start of my series "The Rise Of The Lemon Kingdom".


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i have a good idea for a lemon story here is the paragraph



"The Rise Of The Lemon Kingdom Part One"


"Late at night, in the desolate forest lies a hunter. A simple lemon shaped hole lay in the middle of his scalp. As I look at the slightly faded track of yellow, I follow it. It leads me into a wild jungle of foliage. I see the monster: it has scaly skin that is tinted yellow and is in the shape of an oval with two yellow spikes in each end. I try to touch it, it spits yellow juice at me. As I lay on the ground writhing in pain, it comes up at me. Slowly it reaches my hand. Out of fear I get up, knock the lemon to the ground and run out of that place. Will that horrid monster enslave humanity? It is not a matter of if. It is a matter of when."


From the diary of Dorman Exuvient.



it will be the start of my series "The Rise Of The Lemon Kingdom".


That is morbid... in an interesting way. I would like to see what you make of it.



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I like lemons too! Especially when I suck the juice out of raw ones! :P Hope I didn't offend anybody... I feel that way bout bananas, so yeah... Lemons Rule!


Would you like to join then?



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I like lemons too! Especially when I suck the juice out of raw ones! :P




*Calms self down* Ahem...sorry about that. Welcome to the club!


Random Lemon Thing of the week:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

(Sung to the tune of 'Auld Lang Syne')

When living lemons swallow limes,

They always say 'AA-UUGH!'

Be-cause the limes al-ways taste rea-a-ly sou-r-r-r!

Lemons taste bet-ter than limes,

'Cause they aren't that acidic!

...A-and this song is about to end,

Ri-ight abou-out now.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Wow, that didn't even rhyme.



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I like Lemons can I join?

The only problem is they are too sour


But I like to suck on them.

can I join?


I daresay you can.


-Seran Thanks Seran

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Seran i have a question why can i not join i put up my request but i think you ignored it :crying: .Oh well i guess lemons are too sacred for me to take part in even though i ate them since i was 4.


I'm so sorry, I must have missed it. You may now consider yourself a member.



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This looks like something senseless to join, which makes it the PERFECT reason to join! (Hope I didn't offend anyone! Just joking! It's a great club to be in!) Anyway, I LOVE lemons, but I can only have a few slices due to my DUMB BRACES! Oh well, better than nothing! Mind if I join?


Not at all.



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