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  1. What's up with the little dude?
  2. Isn't Jungle just a tribe from Bara Magna (I could be wrong)?
  3. For custom limbs (primarily forearms and upper legs) I've found these two pieces along with any sized axle, a ccbs shell, and anything else you want to build off of it works well. Also this piece connected to the side of that piece can help allude to elbows on the arm and/or help fill out the "butt" of a leg. I hope that makes sense, it'd be easier to show with pictures. Here's a picture. Like this. It might be hard to see, and FYI that's a tire slid onto the shaft of this piece. I think the OP is referring to this: http://bionicle.wikia.com/wiki/Toa_of_Plantlife Also, about that pod piece, I forgot to mention that could definitely be used as well! I remember seeing a smaller matoran/protector sized build using one of those in green as a cloak before. The build was small enough that the leaf reached near the bottom of the MOC like a cape, and the black fold-over at the base looked like an unused hood. It looked fantastic, and I am now very interested in trying that myself . I just need to get one of those pieces.
  4. I've personally wanted to make a plant-life Toa for a while, but have never gotten around to it. There are a lot of pieces that I've thought about using however. As for general building tips, if you aren't very experienced at building, I'd suggest staying simple. If you try a bunch of custom stuff without much experience it can start to look a bit shabby. That doesn't mean you shouldn't experiment though. Experiment with stuff, a lot! That's the only way you're gonna figure out new stuff. I'm not that great at making things myself, but I'll tell you what I know and have learned myself. Simple can actually look really good though, and you can add a few tricks here and there to really make it look better. A simple build with just a few innovative or original techniques can actually really make a model look a lot better IMO. CCBS is a very good system to build with for simplicity. It's easy to work with and has very simple lines and textures to it. What I've been doing for my latest MOC is I took the basic design of the new 2015 CCBS Toa builds, but added in a lot more Technic (for custom limbs) and just a little bit of system and G1 parts. Since, I'm not very good with custom torsos, the torso is almost completely original (one piece torso, torso shell and chest piece) but I have added some tubes and some back coverage to help fill it out. I wish I could show you but it's not finished yet. Look at MOCs from other people around the community for inspiration. Finding someone who has a similar building style to you will really help as well, if you like what they have built that is. Even if you find some really complicated builds that you feel you could never replicate, sometimes you can pick out a few different techniques that you can use on your own creation. A good color scheme can make or break a MOC as well. Try to make sure you use color blocking and layering, and try limiting the amount of colors you use. For plant life personally I would recommend lime as a base/main color, mostly because it is a very bright, nice color. When you look at most plants they are usually bright green. Then adding additional colors will really complement the base color. Red, yellow, orange, white, brown, and darker green are good colors. Even some purple would look nice (think flowers). I noticed on your BBC (Bionicle Based Creations) post that you were using a lot of black. Though black can be a really useful color for a skeleton or to tone it down a bit, heavy use of it might not work too well for a plant-y character. Not many plants have much black too them. Most don't have any at all. Think brighter greens and more natural colors maybe. Also, you can try throwing in some metallic (I'd suggest silver) colors to simulate armor (the new 2015 piston add ons are nice), and some translucent pieces can really help as well. The new Toa definitely took advantage of both of those, and I personally think they look fantastic. Also, for a plant character, it would be very cool to have some stuff growing off of him, e.g. thorns, flowers, leaves, vines, etc. This can be accomplished by system pieces, and a lot of those can be add using CCBS shells due to the system rod sized holes on them, and also these pins can be helpful for System connections. As for personallity traits, thats left for you to figure out. Just try to express them in your build as best as you can . That's all I got. Hope it helps! ALSO, if you don't have some pieces and you really want your MOC to look the best it can, consider making an order from Bricklink.com. Its a bit hard to explain how it works, but just google it and watch a couple walkthroughs on Youtube. Its a really easy, affordable way to get individual parts that you don't have.
  5. None of the new Toa have uncovered bones, IIRC.
  6. For a lot of HF sets I don't like how the system was used. Some sets look great though, like Toxic Reapa (now I wanna buy him ) and most of the 3.0 series. I think the addition of Technic helped a lot in the new Bionicle line, and the overall designs are much better than any of the HF heroes IMO. I do really like the new piston add-on, and couldn't agree more with wanting more add-ons. Also more specialized bones would be nice, as opposed to shells like most people want. We'll be seeing some of this with the new skeleton bones this summer. More stuff like that I would love to see.
  7. I was just about to say that lol. There's a "delete" key for a reason.
  8. At first I didn't like the look of the summer villains, but now they're really growing on me and I really like them. Same thing happened with the first wave, but now they're my favorite Toa sets ever made.
  9. I've actually never read any of the books, but if you want to learn the story while still being entertained and not bored by simple sentence structure , check out the comics. The story is fantastic and the art is quite good (though the artists do change throughout). I haven't read them in a few years but I do remember them being great.
  10. Hmm there's so many good ones! I have multiple favorites. First one that comes to mind is the Kraahkan. It looks fantastic, it's cool how it can be used multiple ways, and I've always found it to be thicker, heavier, and more "heavy-duty" feeling than other masks. I really like the feel of high quality things so that is something I find very nice. Also, I love the new 2015 designs, specifically Tahu's, Onua's, and Lewa's. I also really like how they attach to the new heads; they're a bit more like actual masks rather than pacifiers
  11. Basically this mask (which I haven't ordered yet). Also just fiddling around with pieces, as well as the new 2015 designs.
  12. Lulz. Oh the irony.Well, you do seem to be one of the ones contributing to it...
  13. I find it funny how you never give any practical reasoning for your decisions, other than just nostalgia.
  14. I'm a bit rusty on the story, since I haven't read it in so long. Don't get me wrong though, I used to be completely obssesed with the comics. I remember Metru Nui being one of my favorite parts of the story (excluding Hordika), and that was also one of Bionicle'a darkest times. It even seemed a bit trippy at some points too IIRC But yeah that was a great part of the story, a d was also quite dark.
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