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About Lazyguy

  • Birthday 06/16/1991

Profile Information

  • Location
    One place I'm not is at my desk writing stories..
  • Interests
    I like Saturdays and just waking up late,<br>I like things right away cuz I don’t like to wait,<br>I like tasty cakes, and Philly cheese steaks,<br>And the Tampa bay Bucs and Miami hurricanes, (whuuuut...)<br>Now I like my shoes clean with a fresh pair of jeans,<br>And some rice and some beans and a box of krispy kremes,<br>I like Mt. Dew cuz I like the caffeine,<br>And the Pistons and Wolverines is my sports teams,<br>I like the Double-Double at the In and Out Burger,<br>but I don’t like McDonalds they always mess up my order,<br>I like my man Spongebob and Homestar Runner,<br>I like flip flops and tank tops in the summer,<br>I like to make goofy faces when I smile for the camera,<br>I like to rock, old school, hip hop and MC Hammer,<br>I like Xbox, clean socks, I like Canada,-

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Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. I'm terribly excited to hear of the newest epics contest announced over here. I'll be entering myself, most likely throwing the character needed for the epics contest (Sunari) into Diverse City, so stay on the lookout for that.
  2. Lazyguy

    First Blog!

    I wasn't aware it was BZP's birthday today until I hopped on to check out some news. Even more so, I wasn't aware that along with the usual perks given to normal members, we would be getting blog capabilities too. Though blogs and BZP are something I have thought should never be mixed, I decided to make one anyway. I'll most likely update this however many times I get to in this next week and then buy myself a premier membership when its over. I've been meaning to get one for a while now, and by the end of the week, I'll have some spare change in my pocket to buy a lifetime. So, for the first message of my blog, I'd like to wish BZP a happy birthday. Five years is quite a long time to be going. I only know of one other forum that has been going almost as long. So here's to another year filled with pranks, however overdone they may be, some good discussion and well thought out theories that go right over my head because I don't keep up with story anymore and some good ol' n00bishness. --- Perhaps its time for some news in the life of Lazyguy? Well, as a whole, I've returned to BZP, if anyone remembers, I took a bit of leave for a few months. My return short story is titled, "The Messenger" and is a sneak peek at a very large writing piece I'm working on. More to come on that as the release date for it approaches. Besides that, I've got a new epic up titled, "Half Bionic, half organic no more," which is currently up to chapter two. Along with that, I'm planning on continuing my other epics such as "Diverse City," "Exiled," and possibly "At the mercy of Paradise." Not much else to update on. I'll start working on fine-tuning this thing soon enough: getting some pictures of myself up, adding in blocks here and there. Until my next entry, thanks for stopping by!
  3. Goodness Pilak, your life is hecktic right now . Your bit on the guest stars and the library forum on BZP make sense. I often wish there was something I could do to help the underdog epics here, so I tried to make the R&R Squad (Some will remember that) and yet it failed. I feel there is no alternative . It did give me something to think about now, since I'll be returning to writing here on BZP. I'll be back to see what's up with your vacation later.
  4. At the risk of sounding like everyone else, I'll say I'm the same way. Though I'm no professional writer, I must say I go witht he flow of the story. Though I don't stop myself from coming up with cool plot twists ahead of time, I generally think of ideas as I write. But often, it puts me in a bad spot. I get myself caught in a corner and can't get out, which is the current situation with an old epic I'm trying to revive called "Diverse City"
  5. Lazyguy


    I'm only a Freshmen in highschool, so I truly can't relate to what you say, DV. But I'm sure I can understand it to some extent. Again, I've never had such an experience myself, but I can understand. When I went on a vacation to Mexico this past Easter break, I even found myself completely out of whack and having a hard time to adjust to a normal life when we returned. I believe you know about that, back on TGS. Now take that feeling, which I'm guessing is similar to yours...and multiply it from a week to an entire semester in college. The thought of such a change is almost mind-boggeling to me. And now, you get a heart. <3
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