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And so the BrickFest 2007 MOC rush begins!   *cricket chirping*   ...okay, I figured it'd be a little bigger than it is right now, but hey. In any case, I have found some tasty packing material.   I doubt I'll be able to bring mayhaw jelly this year, because mayhaws aren't ripe yet, so the jelly is very expensive right now ($6.50 for a 16 oz jar, instead of $4.00). (Why is it expensive? Simple: it hasn't been successfully cultivated yet. What mayhaws there are, they are grown wild. Thus, it

Peanut Butter Supremacy

Man, it was a busy weekend. So busy, that it spilled over into the week.   In scatter-point fashion:   >$6 for a bag of 53 fun-size assorted Reese's is a very good deal from Walmart, especially since a king size (4 cups) goes for $1. That's like, 105% more free. >Like Amanda said, I have terrible luck with fantasy football: exchanging either the QB or the DST and I would have beaten the Kenner Knights soundly. >Why, Sean Payton, do you send an injured kicker to kick a field goal he

Off The Cuff

Some recent highlights:   -I saw a summer sausage at Walmart tonight, and was reminded (back me up on this, magpi) that the most random things happen at 1:30 in the morning at LEGO conventions. -My key chain is marginally heavier and infinitely cooler thanks to Black Six. -I don't know what the physical therapists are thinking: shoulder impingement or weak rotator cuff muscles can't be related to tendinitis of the deltoid, can they? They do realize the pain is in the shoulder area and not in

Dropping The Gumbo Pot

My head hurts. What year is it?     In all seriousness, we don't have a giant glowing ball of light bulbs. Instead, New Orleans has a pot of gumbo. Amanda, her mom, & I rang in the new year at Jackson Square this morning. Despite 5 false-starts, we had a first New Year's kiss, and, heeeee.   Sorry, the stupid grin just came back, and I can't seem to shake it.     My bowl picks are a mess, and I'm sick of coughing & blowing my nose (caught something at the end of last week). But 2008

Are You Ready For Some Football, Part I Lost Count

Three points from my first Monday Night Football experience:   1. Ed Hochuli needs to forfeit his white cap. Come on. If that face mask were any more blatant, the helmet would be facing the shoulder. And the "fumble that I'm calling not-a-fumble," please stop rewriting the rule book, oh ye of many words and massive bicep. And none of this patronizing "make up call" business, either. If you're going to jam a team, jam them both halves of the game. Be consistent.   2. Reggie Bush is all that, a

The Beauty Of A Map

199½ lb, 22.8% body fat (Hey, I guess being sick'll do that for ya.)   Okay, now I'm curious.   Sunday night, I posted a map, in hopes of seeing a bunch of New Orleans pins, or perhaps a pin in Greece or a few in Canadia (BrickFest joke). Instead, I find pins in the Côte d'Azure (French Riviera) and Italy.   But the one pin that intrigues me the most is the one pushed at 9 seconds after 11 AM yesterday: Longville, LA.   Folks, I know where Longville is.   ATTENTION WHOEVER VISITED MY BLOG

Molten Truffle

Let's see, it's been over a week since my birthday, and the presents have finished trickling in.... $50 cash (my parents) some chocolate (Amanda) a Saints necktie (Amanda's parents) first DEII FFL win of the season (Rob Delaune, this past weekend) Two steak dinners (Amanda (Monday night last week) & O'Henry's (Tuesday night last week)), and a bloomin' onion/soup/pasta dinner (my parents @ Outback Steakhouse (Saturday night last week)) A Baskin-Robbins ice cream birthday cake, with my name o

Do You Know The Enemy

Firstly, apologies to all who thought this was a lyric entry. Green Day had nothing relevant to offer beyond the one line, so thief it I did.   It's been a rough September. Really rough. So rough that I can't go into details here, yet. Not to say that I will or won't. Those of you who know, know why I can't say anything at the moment. The other 99.3% of you who have know clue, will have to remain in the dark.   Those of you who know me, know that I'm a very loyal person. Those of you who don

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Looky what I found the other morning. Emeril Lagasse on Iron Chef! Also, the ne'er-challenged Mario Batali! This should be must see! *sets TiVo now*   -KIE

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Just So I Don't Forget

I have a favorite game in which I like to embarrass my fellow staffers every so often. I am posting it for my benefit, since I will lose the bookmark when my computer is replaced, and for your benefit, so the lot of you can practice.   NabiscoWorld Shockwave full golf game   Be forewarned, it may consume you. ...but most likely won't.   -KIE P.S. Omi insists he's too good for this game.

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Menu 6....or L35

So this new Chinese place opened up on Kent Avenue, up by W. Esplanade (about 9 blocks from my apartment, I drive by it to go to work) a couple of weeks ago. Fu Star is its name. And I'd been putting off and putting off going there for lunch, until its sheer convenience overwhelmed me over the weekend, and I broke down and went there today.   Called Omi yesterday on a supposed whim, as to what would be the best thing to get. He said "chicken," so I got chicken. Chicken curry, in fact.   I brou

Coming Up For Air

Geez, give the entire board premier privileges, and the floodgates are opened...what is it now, 120 new blogs today and counting?   I have to post something just to find my blog!   Okay, so what to post about.....   Ah, here we go. Today, we finished the sewer manhole surveys for RPC year 3. Let me let y'all in on what the frell that meant: Ever since I got this job, 97% of my time has been spent working on or with a sewer model of Jefferson Parish. It's not exactly what I went to graduate

A New View

Sadly, it's a view still obscured by work on this sewer model. I got next to nothing done yesterday.   I need a new computer. I don't want a Mac or Microsoft Vista, because I still have some 16-bit applications (read: games from the turn of the millenium) I still like to run. Thus, it would appear that I need to buy the computer *now*, or get an operating system while I can.   But, an operating system means I'd more-or-less be building the box by hand. This scares me, as I have said before.  

Opening Night 2007

196 lb., 23.4% body fat   "Opening night? But the Mets went at it in St. Louis 2 weeks ago!"   Ah, not MLB opening night, my friend, but the opening night of the Greater New Orleans Church League softball. A twin-billing at Delta #4, Williams Boulevard Baptist at Riverside Baptist, and First Baptist Kenner at Grace Presbyterian. The two Metairie Baptist teams, FBC New Orleans, and St. Charles UMC play tomorrow morning.   I'd been working towards tonight since before BrickFest '06. And I dare

Are You Ready For Some Football...part The Seventh

Billy Miller is my hero.   Seriously, though. This game was exhausting. This day was exhausting.   I'm hoarse.   My alarm went off an hour earlier than I wanted: Amanda's parents got off at the wrong exit, and it became a little tricky at the end for them to get to their hotel, where I would meet them last night and again for breakfast. There was still entertainment: a JP (Jefferson Parish) sheriff's deputy was chewing out a couple of girls who decided to crank-call 911.   Such things nev

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Wingate Is The Winner

Bah.   I tried to force myself to write this entry Saturday night before heading to bed, but then I realized it was 1 AM Sunday morning. So, this had to wait until I got back tonight.   Let me tell you about my weekend. *collapse*   The fun started awful early, as Wednesday afternoon found me in an auto accident. Nothing major: the other driver (who was in his first accident in 45 years) clipped me in the process of avoiding me. We're both fine, but I still haven't had time to start to file

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


By the congratulatory messages, you can probably figure that it went well Saturday. Amanda didn't know I was coming, and was quite surprised.   We went out to eat at Jim Bowie kitchen, a place she was first brought to by James, her ex-boyfriend who henceforth need not be named. It's located in Duty, LA, about an hour away from civilization. Think Cracker Barrel on steroids. I haven't had fried shrimp like that in a good long while, and Dr. Pepper out of a widemouth Ball jar is still a unique ex


Taking time out from BrickFest PDX to post this pre-typed blog entry.   My car turns 1 year old today.   Well, not exactly today. I don't know when it was manufactured, but a year ago today, I bought the dark blue metallic 2006 Chevrolet Malibu LT parked inside the gates at the apartment complex. Although the paper I signed said it had 5 or fewer miles on it, it actually had 10. I didn't complain, however. This entry's title is the current mileage.   Thirteen thousand, two hundred and eight

August In September

Yay, happy birthday to me. 29 & holding.   Despite the goings on in Corvalis earlier tonight, my fiancée got me the best gift: an excuse to go to August, a John Besh restaurant. A lovely little corner (though good luck parking) and THE BEST MEAL I HAVE EVER HAD. Seriously. If you get to go, get the gnocchi, save room for dessert, and GET THE CRÉME FRAÎCHE.   I'm so glad I'd never gotten to eat there before: I wouldn't have appreciated how beautiful the meal is.   If you'll pardon me, I'll

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


It's done.   My portion of the report was submitted at 12:25 PM CDT Friday, 55 minutes after the conclusion of my work day. It wasn't all of it: there's still the Helios (not the "not a phone") being stupid. That'll likely be an addendum after Wallingford Software gets a bolt of intuition as to how to fix the problem: I'm tapped out.   I almost don't know what to do with myself, to be honest.     Oh wait, there's the other half of the modeling that had yet to been touched. That was a short v


One spot on an empty canvas One chair in an empty room No place for a revolution And no hope its signs are true We stand at the edge of something Will we ever know what it is? Hold on 'cause the wind is rising and we can't get away from it...... <4 bars of stream of consciousness guitar, piano & drums> We're in shock from the failed emotion No cause in a shadowed land And we sing while the city's burning With no room, no escape, no plan. We all never thought it wou

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

13 Pages Of "huh?"

I bet you're asking what could possibly be that long. (Actually, if you're reading this, I bet you're asking yourself, "What the heck is he posting about now?" I mean, what could justify this blog being bumped up?)   Got my cell phone bill today. Thirteen pages long. $74.53, if anyone wants to help pay it, like, say people that have helped up the bill. (Omi, you owe me 80¢ for the text messages: they're not free on my plan. )   But the thing I like to call attention to the most is on the same

I Am Not A Terrorist!

Poor choice of days to post, I'm sure, but I had recent run-ins with the TSA that, well, served as ill reminders that flying isn't as simple a matter as it was 8 years ago.   Since there was no power at my apartment complex that Thursday night (a week ago, I believe), I had little choice but to head back to Monroe, where my girlfriend had already started making plans to get our flights to Cincinnati diverted. Why Cincinnati?   I first met Amanda 7, nearly 8 years ago. We were missionaries to t

Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


The "E" word no part-time brass player wants to hear when he's just busted his chops by playing for the first time in 12 months. Also the title of an article in yesterday's paper I thought was very interesting:     Just some food for thought, and the ears...   -KIE

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

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