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Robotics Again...

Well, we're pretty far behind, we may end up working extra hours, so, idk how much I'll be on. We have a working chassis, but we still need to make the forklift to pick up the ball and stuff like that.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

2day, Future

Well, BZP's finally not infecting me with Trojans (due to that I don't go to the main page anymore ) So I should get back to my normal activity now.   However, I'll be gone 10-7 today (Martin Luther King Jr's B-day) cuz of robotics.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

From Camp Ii

Yeah, so last nite I was up until 1:30 playing cards and charades. *yawns*   This morning my friend/roomie's alarm clock woke me up, so I didn't sleep very long. I stayed in the bed anyway. Whatcha gonna do?   We got up and all, then took the gamecube downstairs and started playing. The dorm was rather deserted... Then this other guy comes in that we played with yesterday and we start playing. After a bit he asks what time it is. Turns out we were supposed to be somewhere in 10 minutes. Luckil

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


This entry will randomly shift categories so I can apply my new category images if Mom doesn't get me first, so.. Here's Pon and Zi to divert your attention.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


I felt like getting a new banner, and I've been playing MW2 obsessively lately, so...  

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Shooter Games

They always start out so innocently. When you start you do good, bullets kill people like they should.. Then the tireder you get, the closer it gets to when your bullets are like IMMA HIT YOU and the enemy's like OH NO YOU DI'IN'T and the bullet's like Oh its k lol   Ya know?   ~~~>

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Yahoo Messenger Name

Everyone who has Yahoo messenger, please send a bud request to dumpface122.   Also please include your BZP name so I know who you are

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Blog Entry!

Ok! So I was bored and decided to write a blog entry! It took over 100 Board messages to get here...   Um...   I got a Facebook! You could possibly add me if you want. Just tell me your name and I'll add ya.   So... I'm eating popcorn and watching a TV special on Water Parks. They've got some pretty unique rides on here. But I've still never seen anything as unique as something at King's Dominion, called the Tornado. They put you in a 4-person tube (not the big circular type, but 4 normal in

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

It's.. It's..

MORTAL KOMBAT! J/king. Anyways. Any of you guys feel like playing Brawl or Mario Kart Wii? It gets kinda boring facing random people.. If I knew my friend code I'd post it. I found an awesome metal cover of the Mortal Kombat theme, btw.. I'll send it to any of you with IMing. And btw, I'm looking for quotes for my quotes block on FB, if you have any good'uns.   And lastly, new dream, for those of you that care. ----- This one starts off normally enough.. Just life, except every other day w

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

How To Make Something Royally Suck

Organize a gathering. First, call it a 'Teen' group. This garners little bits of anticipation. Second, mention that there will be brainstorming of fun activities.   Wait a while. This will allow people to realize that most everyone else coming to this are the type of people who would cover their kids' eyes and ears when I pull into the parking lot blaring AC/DC.   Make sure to update your web site with last year's ideas, such as "TEEN FALL HAYRIDE & CORN MAZE EXTRAVAGANZA" and "ETIQUETTE

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Fsotw: Remedy

Well, I know most of you are thinking, "Seether and BZP shouldn't really be mentioned in the same sentence..." but ain't nothing wrong with this'n.   Remedy - Seether Throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here with me And speak but don't pretend I won't defend you anymore you see It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for you My eyes don't need to see that ugly thing, I know it's me you fear   If you want me hold me back,   Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain w

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


Well, it's the first of the month, and I'm finally back. I will answer PMs and everything now. I doubt if I'll recover my 5 posts per day ratio tho...

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

It's A Madhouse!

Or so they claim.   Angel actually might have some free time 2nite.. Maybe if she's doing nothing Friday night she can come to lazer tag with some r-tix friends..   I can play most of Enter Sandman by Metallica on geetar now! =D   Maybe I'll try Madhouse next..   School's no fun.   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


Ok, but I love this album a lot! (10 points to whoever gets the quote and episode)   I need a new content block that takes up a lot of space.. Any suggestions?   Robotics til 7, we might actually get to build the real robot. Saw some really cool shirts last night..   You can't spell random without Tangerine Swordfish Disco Car.   At least zombies like you for your brains.   The art of conversation is like, dead, and stuff.   Memoria!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


calvinsauce: shaq is holding a panda, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID Ferhago: Unless YOUR happens to reference.. Ferhago: ACHUCKANORRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS calvinsauce: *fireworks in background*   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Taka's Art Contest - Entering It.

So I randomly remembered this song about a house of a dude who was arrested for cannabalism. The description of the house would totally work with a Bionicle-themed art contest, since severed Bionicle limbs aren't BZP-inappropriate..   So yeah.   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Fspot Fanart By Tom

Well, Tom - The Death of Sanity liked the FSPOT so much he made a wallpaper with some of the various signs. So I'm displaying it here:   Here it is...

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

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