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Best present

All morning classes cancelled because of all the snow.   Happy spring.



Being Smart Is Fun

Okay I just came from science class, and a part of today's lesson was a quick worksheet about where most of a tree's mass comes from.   I was the only one to pick the right answer, carbon dioxide.   Would you believe me if I told you that a lot of them picked "sunlight"?



Been distant lately

From BZP and life in general. Kinda going through a depression thing maybe? Don't really know. Haven't had too much going for me, just lots of schoolwork, which conflicts with my already-limited work schedule. And a bunch of other things that have just been heaping on the stress since before the semester even started.   Thinking about going jogging on Saturdays. I could probably use the exercise and I hear it helps you feel better about stuff.   Speaking of segues, I decided that I want Tah



Been a busy boy

Just recently got an apartment and now I have a place to put these posters I won a while back.   Also been working a lot and doing a bunch of stuff at a makerspace I'm also volunteering at. Haven't done much that I felt merited a big post so most of my content is little blurbs on Twitter. Lots of stuff done with a laser cutter or vinyl cutter.   Anyway I hope some day to have all my pieces with me again so I can get back to building, it's been far too long.




… if this isn't the dumbest thing I've ever built then I don't know what is.   (Will be posted soon.)




I don't know whether to wait and build something meaningful that might actually have a chance or post the thing I just built five minutes ago because it's kind of funny and I want to post it before anyone else posts something like it.   (No it's not like a stocking spider or anything, but it also doesn't have that many parts and no doubt it'll be crushed by other people's stuff.)




wrote up a whole entry about how I wanted to enter this BBCC but couldn't because my convention circuit returns arrived a day later than they were scheduled to and by that time I had to devote all my time to finishing my Halloween costume for a party that was tonight, but my computer has not been on very good speaking terms with the internet lately and the entry got eaten so here we are   it's a Kylo Ren costume and it's infinitely better than the garbage one I made three years ago



Bbc 49, Part Deux

Got the camera charged, and the images are all uploaded.   Now to make the banner and entry pic...   ~Bf



Bbc 49 Polls!

NOT KIDDING!!! 8D   NUMBAH SIX, IF Y' PLEASE.   Fun fact: I was officially the first voter on almost every poll. >8D



Bbc 49

Already? Wow...   I'm done.   To-do list: √_ 1. Build über-custom and freakishly cool MOC. __ 2. Enter it right off __ 3. Lose with 2 votes in the first round.   I'm all set!   ~Bf



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