I've been off for like the past year or two including the 6 month downtime. I miss anything other than HeroForce/Bionicle ending? I barely recognize anyone anymore :/
Yep, it's finally here. I present you my review of 8699 Takanuva at a whopping 2,000 words. XD
Set Review: 8699 Takanuva
By: ~ShadowBolt~
Welcome one and all! Today, I bring you a review of everyone’s favorite Toa of Light, Takanuva! Is he as good as everyone says? Are his little issues as bad as everyone says? Well, read on and find out!
From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.
This is just a little "central" for my Mistika debate with Nuju Metru and I'll link to all the blog topic parts from here. To view this easily, you might want to open several windows or tabs on your internet browser so you can view the last points of part # and the beginning points of part # so you can remember them easily.
Finally, I have all sections up and please fell free to comment.
Debate Pt. 1
Debate Pt. 2
Debate Pt. 3
Debate Pt. 4
Debate Pt. 5
Our debate is finished...
Kex approved it... So, let me finish up a few things and then I'll let you post it -- if you want to. Just wait for my word.
Glad to hear it! From what you're saying I assume you like them, but there's a few things that bug you. I'm warm, am I?
1. Well, since I want to get this done and in my blog, I'll just say Point Discontinued.
I finished building Takanuva and he is impressive, so I'll just say a few things.
He wasn't as big as I thought he would be, but I guess that's from not comparing him to the other Phantoka yet... I love Takanuva's mask because it resembles the Avohkii, but it's smaller than I thought it would be. You won't hear me complaining about it though, becausde it looks like it can fit and look "normal" on a standard Toa-Moderator. He looks like a normal enlarged Toa, but I loved how Lego gave him the
Nuju Metru and I are having a debate about the Mistika. He wanted someone to convince him to like the Mistika more and I decided to help him out.
CAUTION -- This is pretty long and this is only part one of our debate, but I hope you guys find this enlightening.
I hope you enjoyed this and please feel free to comment on anything you find interesting here and part two will be coming up in a few days.
Yeah, I need a bit of help from you BSO1 members and members familiar with Wiki coding happening to read my blog. (Just scroll down to the bottom.)
I was the last person to post in the old Official 2008 Sets Topic before it got closed. Even odder, I posted after Kex/Skullcruncher closed the topic.
Anyways... I think it's time we take a moment and think back on a great era, a very spammy era of the Official 2008 Sets Topic.
Hopefully, the new one will be much cleaner.
Wahoo! Today where I live, summer starts at precisely 7:59 (if I heard the newscaster right) tonight. Only problem is that it's cool and rainy which isn't typical June weather...
For those of you who are dying to see them, it's not anytime soon, so most likely, I won't be the generous BZPer to bring you the first pics.
Okay. My parents just told me that we are going on "vacation" to Virginia to visit some relatives. While I'm there, we'll take some time to visit the Lego store in Tyson's Corner mall near Washington D.C. I've been there before and that's when I got the Mahri.
I'll be going in late July so I'll have an EXTREMELY high chance of finding the Mistika
Hello BZPower members. You may have read about many people's colorful opinions for and against the Mistika. While I respect and understand both sides of the argument, I have grown sickened and tired of all of the bashing and irrational arguments against the Mistika.
To combat this, I am forming a little "league" or club, whichever you prefer, to "stick up" for the Mistika.
Anti - Mistika Bashing League
"No Mistika should be bashed!"
We, the members
The biggest thing that disgusts me here on BZPower and on other forums is the fact that many people irrationately bash the Mistika and there are very few people around here to keep that in check and argue against them.
To counter that, I am starting a club that anybody is welcome to join. Our goal will be to argue and defend the Mistika every time a BZPer bashes or states (if it's reasonable to argue against it).
That's all I have to say for now and I'll think of the details at some poi
Today, my homeroom teacher gave me his collection of Wheaties boxes. Y'know, the ones with sports players on them...? Anyways, I'm glad to have them and I hope to sell them either on eBay or keep them? Also, does anybody know of any websites that have the prices for Wheaties boxes?
By the way, the ones my teacher gave me were collector ones and some of them were valuable.
Like my title said, this week is my last week of school until the summer. Problem? This is my last year at my current school and next year, I'll be going to a different school (a high school) closer to my house and it really is going to be different. Eh... I'm more worried about summer and the Mistika...
Any questions?
Finally, my blog is complete! First, I would like to say to look at the rules on the right Content Block column. Especially number three before commenting. I know some of you suggested keeping all of the content blocks on one side, well I actually prefer them on both sides and rule number three will take care of the problems.
Any questions, comments, or suggestions (other than moving the content blocks)?