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LEGO doesn't have any Newsie caps for minifigs. Or Elvis hair. No Elvis hair? Now how am I supposed to make a Johnny Bravo minifig?! Honestly, LEGO. You should be ashamed. And after that, how about some old person minifigs? You know, the elderly. There aren't very many of those. We have creepy wrinkled faces but I don't recall any nice old person faces. What, the LEGO universe is made up of only young adults and the early-middle-aged? What about a Grandma? Everybody loves Grandma. Make a



Muffler Fail

I'm sure you're all familiar with the type. The one who goes by in his or her car - his or her old car which is making a ton of grating or obnoxious noise. Squeaky tire, dragging exhaust port or random shrapnel. The type that makes you say, "Get your ride fixed, you vexatious hippie!" Today I was that person. Hooray for costly replacements. This vexatious hippie's getting hers fixed.



My Quatsch Has A First Name

Did you know the German word equivalent to baloney! is quatsch? It is. Quatsch can mean nonsense and other such synonymous things, but baloney is so much better, because I was doing some German practice-reading with my dad (who knows German), when the word quatsch came up. And somehow my dad and I started singing the Oscar Mayer song, but with quatsch instead of Oscar and Mayer. But it didn't fit, so I had to hum it... or... something. I'm not really sure what was said then, because I was laughi




What is this lunacy? I have no idea how this happened.




I've been a busy girl. I had a full time + a part time job over Winter break (egads, but the money was good) and had time for almost nothing else (including Beast Wars beyond the point of my last entry, sorry guys). And now there's this awesome pile of mail and paperwork to be done.   Spring semester starts on Monday. Guess I should start on this paperwork now, eh? Bills, ick. Although I like the looks of these W-2 forms. Tax return! Oh look, here's the new sticker to put on my car's liscence



Beast Wars Aaauugh.

I had been avoiding Transformers: Beast Wars all my life, but recently I ended up promising some friends I would give BW a try. I promised what, 6 episodes, guys? So I got a copy of disc 1 and started watching. And I couldn't really stand it. In fact it was SO hard to watch I had to alternate it with Ben 10 Alien Force, which was also in the house. I sure enjoyed the Ben 10 (<3) but BW was just like aaauuuuuugh maaaaake iiiiiit stooooooop. My mom and my older brother helped me through i



Touchpad Splinter

I just got a splinter... while using my laptop's touchpad. o.O Then I dug it out with my own fingernails. I FEEL SO MANLY No no, wait - you want to see the best owneded "I feel manly" quote? I have it right here! Toromaga: I have hardened paint on my hands. I FEEL SO MANLY KKN_GN: Hardened paint? Manly? You sure that doesn't mean kindergarten? In other news, I mailed Janus' Christmas present yesterday! I can't wait until he gets it!



Small Town Win

Folks, living in an almost-small town is GREAT, I tell ye!   My family's house is at the bottom of the town's Ski hill - well actually, it's a Snowboard hill now - and there's a bunny hill right next to it. The bunny hill goes straight into our backyard (and into our blackberry bushes). But the bunny hill has never been used as long as we've been living here.   Just last week we got word that the town was gonna open up the bunny hill for sledders - and this means that we would have people cutt



Optimus Prime

------------------------- ||__ | OPTIMUS PRIME| |"""|"'\__, |____ROCKS____|/|_|_|__= /(@)(@)'''''''''''''''''(@)(@) ---(@)     Oh yes he does.



Cardinal Sins Clarified

Okay, just so we're clear, we should know the cardinal rules. (This is a preliminary list and is subject to change as new information and situations arise.)   Cardinal sin No. 2: Messing up the laundry system. You do NOT putt a color in the whites, or a light in the darks or bolds, etc.     Cardinal sin No. 1: Eating drippy food over a book.       ... *carefully wipes her book off*     ADDENDUM: Cardinal Sin No. 1b: Or over a computer.



Shook A Vending Machine

I walked past the vending machine today and saw a bag of chips kinda hanging out on the edge of the rack. Oh my, I thought, it must have made someone mad earlier in the day. Stuck food. Grr. But it looked good, and now that I'd seen them I kind of wanted them, so I decided to shake the machine. My mom, who was with me, watched. Nothing happened. I shook it just a little again, not feeling quite up to shaking a huge, heavy metal thingy that dispenses snacks to people with pocket change. Still



Price Of Gas In France

I should update my calendar. September already. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. ------------------------- A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre. After careful planning, he got past security, stole the paintings, and made it safely to his van. However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, 'Monsieur, that is the



New Password Owneded

Today is a monumental day! It is the first day since I changed my password that I have actually remembered to type the new one in the first time, correctly. And thus log in in one shot.



Janus Can Fly! Brickfair Vid Clips

I did take a lot of pictures at BrickFair, but I also took a few videos. And amongst all that boring footage are two jewels, priceless Kodak moments from two particular BZP staffers, forever immortalized in video. The first one is about 1/2 - 1 second long. Darth Vader is saying, "Just like last year!" But what you want to keep your eyes on Black Six on the far left. Then watch it again. And again. Double Arm Action HWA! And for your slightly longer viewing pleasure - well, you always k



Sorry Andrew

I totally just added you to the awesome-people-I-met-at-Brickfair '09 list!   Dunno what happened that first time.     * *     -----------   Tonight I'm gonna try to get more pictures from Brickfair up on my flickr account. It's way more important that college homework, after all.



Brickfair 2009

So I was totally there. And I met and hanged out with lots of cool BZP staff. And met others. You've seen the lists in other blogs, but they're at least three days old, so let's do it again! (list shamelessly taken from Black Six's blog because it was the first one I saw with the list) Black Six Darth Vader Smeagol4 Janus Levahk Lah Kohaku InnerRayg Chocolate Frogs Friar Tuck Hahli Husky Nikira Alsru Emzee Argetlam So I hope I didn't forget any of you guys?? I'll resize an



New Staff Promotion

I am pleased to announce that my brother, Friar Tuck, has just been promoted to some BZP Staff position or other in the RPG forum, where he has been far too active for quite some time.   Read all about it here!



Ludicrous Speed

M'kay, so I work in a cheese factory. There's a couple lines that I'm usually scheduled to work on - them being 42, 33, and 17. 42 is old and slow and has lots of problems, and that's the one I'm on the most. It kinda runs like this. But 17 is the newest line and runs pretty fast. I was on 17 tonight. The first two hours were unfortunate; something was wrong with the scale, so the whole line was down while the techs tried to fix it. Since we who were working on the line had no wo



Why Women Lie

You MUST read it ALL THE WAY through. SRSLY. One day, when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble fell into the river. When she cried out, the Lord appeared and asked, 'My dear child, why are you crying?' The seamstress replied that her thimble had fallen into the water and that she needed it to help her husband in making a living for their family. The Lord dipped His hand into the water and pulled up a golden thimble set with sapphires. 'Is this your thimbl



Epics Contest And Boots Full Of Sand

LOOKIT LOOKIT NEW EPICS CONTEST GO SEE GO SEE!! munkeymunkey is hosting it and it's really cool! I even posted in it! I had a QUESTION. But he said 'no'. --------------- I'm redecoratiiiiiiiing! I sure liked my other banners and blocks, with screenshots from the Voya Nui Online Game, but hey, I figured I should keep up with the times. - I updated my calendar, starting in June they have Bara Magna backgrounds - I even made July and put it up in case I get busy - New block on the lef



Can't Win The Kentucky Derby If You Leave Your Prize Stallion In The Stable!

Family just got back from a trip to Kentucky - the Creation Museum, to be exact. Second time going there. We got to listen to some cool speakers, see the exhibits again, and I spent a hunk of money on three huge ancient history books. 8D   It was a lot warmer in Kentucky than it is here at home. Nearly 20 degrees warmer. *pulls on blouse* Kentucky is beautiful; so many trees, you Kentuckians have a beautiful state with nice air. And here I thought Wisconsin had tons of trees. We observed an ala



Infernal Revenue Service 2

I got my federal tax return back from the IRS. I had filled it out just fine. But then I forgot to sign it. No signature, no tax refund. My John Hancock is on it and it's back in the mail. XD



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