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Bionicle Comic #1 Scans

In response to my first blog post, I have scanned the first Bionicle comic. And now I am putting the scans here, available for all of youse! (BEFORE SUNDAY, HH!)   'K folks, boring notes first. I have two copies of most of my older comics - including comic 1 - and these scans are from the better looking of the two! As you can tell, my comic has been abused well-loved. (I took it with me EVERYWHERE.) The cover is nearly falling off, there are more creases than you can count, and you can see the



Murphy's Lesser-known Laws

For your further education, the knowledge of these "Lesser Laws" is imperative.   Murphy did not stop with just one law.       Murphy's 10 Lesser-Known Laws   1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   2. He who laughs last, thinks slowest.   3. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.   4. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.   5. The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting some



Why Women Lie

You MUST read it ALL THE WAY through. SRSLY. One day, when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble fell into the river. When she cried out, the Lord appeared and asked, 'My dear child, why are you crying?' The seamstress replied that her thimble had fallen into the water and that she needed it to help her husband in making a living for their family. The Lord dipped His hand into the water and pulled up a golden thimble set with sapphires. 'Is this your thimbl



Le-matoran Wear Watches!

I was re-playing the MNOLG yesterday and with a little help from HH, I rescued all the Le-Matoran from the hive. Of course after they're free and Lewa gets his Golden Kanohi, there's that famous party! I noticed that the one musician on the far right (or, his own left) turns and does a 'headbang' every so often. I thought it pretty funny, and decided to get a screenshot. So I waited, my fingers poised on the Ctrl and PrtSc buttons, waiting. Then all of a sudden he pulled out a wristwatch.



Inflatable Missiles

"But, officer..."   "Can you imagine this guy going 90 mph on his way to Dallas with these balloons trailing a few yards behind him?   Instructions for a fun time on the interstate: Step 1. Tie balloons to car. Step 2. Drive like crazy. Step 3.. Watch people freak out."         I don't care who you are....that's funny.



Akaku And Pakari, Clay

So I couldn't draw if my life depended on it. SRSLY. But I mess with modeling clay. And when I say 'mess with it', I mean 'mess with it', because even though I've 'used' modeling clay for a few years now, I haven't really actually PRODUCED anything 'finished' or 'worthwhile'. Therefore I am not an artist. Or something. *Wut!* BUUUT since I'm such a fangirl and all, and I see all these artist-people making Bionicle fanart and all, I, of course, find myself wishing I could make Bionicle fanar



A Challenge? To The Death!

THIS IS HH'S FAULT. AGAIN.     This is the challenge issued; she had a score of 1802.8 seconds and invited people to go there to beat her. And I daresay, I have met her pain tolerance fourfold!   (That's not an additional challenge to you folks, or even an incentive... I now have four times less working brain cells than she!)   I heard that verse so many times that I began to hear English words in it. Little did we know that they're singing about oats, Jaffa, fences and crumbs!



Today I Bought Monkey Bread

All I've been doing is school and chores. School and homework. Been at home, or at college. Or at work. And work again. So this morning slept in! And it was awesome. And I decided that I would go out today! And this, dear reader, was TERRIBLY exciting. But I have no money (Read: I've paid my school bills and have to fill up my car), so I went to the St. Vincent De Paul thrift shop in town. I looked aaaaall over the place, didn't find anything to buy. Rather disappointing trip! So the



Pohatu > Chuck Norris

During the original battle for Mata Nui, Pohatu roundhouse kicked Makuta in the face, and that kick created Chuck Norris.



Cardinal Sins Clarified

Okay, just so we're clear, we should know the cardinal rules. (This is a preliminary list and is subject to change as new information and situations arise.)   Cardinal sin No. 2: Messing up the laundry system. You do NOT putt a color in the whites, or a light in the darks or bolds, etc.     Cardinal sin No. 1: Eating drippy food over a book.       ... *carefully wipes her book off*     ADDENDUM: Cardinal Sin No. 1b: Or over a computer.




I've been a busy girl. I had a full time + a part time job over Winter break (egads, but the money was good) and had time for almost nothing else (including Beast Wars beyond the point of my last entry, sorry guys). And now there's this awesome pile of mail and paperwork to be done.   Spring semester starts on Monday. Guess I should start on this paperwork now, eh? Bills, ick. Although I like the looks of these W-2 forms. Tax return! Oh look, here's the new sticker to put on my car's liscence



Kakama Model

Hey, I finally figured that blasted Kakama!! You'd think that it was an easy mask, you really would, because it looks deceptivly simple. Well, I did, anyway. But it's not... it's flat in front but at a curve, with the two incoming sides at an angle, curving in again, plus the whiskers. Hrmmm. Like before, 1oo% hand-made clay Kakama model. Whoot! So, here y'are, introducing: Kakama, Mask of Speed. Ooh, and I'm halfway through scanning comic 3! I would have had it done the other



I Feel Pretty

I'm going to wear my pink lace vintage dress to church for Easter! With the ribbon-tie heels and the vintage hat I just bought.   *swooshes around* I feel pretty... oh-so-pretty! So pretty and witty and briiiiiiiiight...



A Room's A Room Until There's No Room

It occurred to me that one's room or home may be much in resemblance to one's state of mind. This is just a little differenty than one's personality, characteristics, or personal likes or dislikes. If one is calm, content, at peace, or just plain happy, one's room is likely to be clean, organized, or arranged in such a fashion to match ('A place for everything, and everything it its place'), so that it could be classified as a 'calming' or 'contenting' room   If one's current mindset is harsh,



Touchpad Splinter

I just got a splinter... while using my laptop's touchpad. o.O Then I dug it out with my own fingernails. I FEEL SO MANLY No no, wait - you want to see the best owneded "I feel manly" quote? I have it right here! Toromaga: I have hardened paint on my hands. I FEEL SO MANLY KKN_GN: Hardened paint? Manly? You sure that doesn't mean kindergarten? In other news, I mailed Janus' Christmas present yesterday! I can't wait until he gets it!



Muffler Fail

I'm sure you're all familiar with the type. The one who goes by in his or her car - his or her old car which is making a ton of grating or obnoxious noise. Squeaky tire, dragging exhaust port or random shrapnel. The type that makes you say, "Get your ride fixed, you vexatious hippie!" Today I was that person. Hooray for costly replacements. This vexatious hippie's getting hers fixed.



What Can Ups Do For You?

What, pray tell, does 'UPS' stand for?? The possibilities are near endless. Undersized Personality Specialists Unsaturated Preshrunk Sardines Unpredictable Produce Samples Unused Personal Sideburns Unlimited Protective Saucers United Paranoid Servicemen Unusual Processed Spam Unfrozen Peanut Sputter Undiscribed Pneumonia Symptoms Unearthed Pizza Sauce Uncanny Problem Solvers But that all I have for now. Your assistance, please, people! GO!



5 Different Category Flags In 3 Days

Look at this, this is pretty cool! In the last 3 days, BZP News & Commentary has been graced with five different categories of stories in a row. The only one missing is Reference.



Penne And Spinach Pasta Toss

Here's that 'tortellini' recipe I made at BrickFair! This way, it's easier to share.     Prep time: 5 minutes (they lie) Cook time: 20 minutes (they still lie) Serves: 4 (yet another untruth)   Ingredients: 8 oz. penne or ziti pasta, uncooked ----> You can substitute or mix in any noodle you like, including elbow (macaroni) noodles and Tortellini (I like the Buitoni brand 3-cheese tortellini.) cups (8.0z) spinach leaves (torn, baby, or large, all of them are fine) (frozen spinach works GR



The Plot Thickens.

This first week of college has been... less than wonderful. It wasn't so much 'syllabus shock' as it was the homework shock - lots of reading and 2 papers from day one - and more every day after that. I totally freaked out. Thanks to help and encouragement from my parents and brother, I'm working through it, but I've still got tons to do. I can handle it now, but not with a smile on my face. (Well.... okay, I still have smiles left. They're just a bit harder to find under all these books.)   I



Skidoo: The Ultimate Plot Device

I move that Skidooing is the Ultimate Power.   If Blue can skidoo, I can, too! I could skidoo an entire army from Mordor straight into Happyland, or get from Ta-Koro to Ta-Metru in two seconds flat. Only a picture is required. One can skidoo anything one wants to, so long as one has a picture of the destination on the wall! (Space and time are non-applicable.)     Jo is not to be held responsible for any headaches, dizziness, vomiting, bad feelings, tripping, falling on your face, armies stuck



Massacre Of The Broccoli

WHOA NELLY THE BROCCOLI'S BOILING OVER GET IT OFF THAT THAR BURNER!!     And this rice does NOT take 2o minutes to cook. No, sir.



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