A reimagining of Nocturn, where he sought redemption in his imprisonment. Image links to the gallery which should have complete photos by the end of the week.
So I've been thinking about why I didn't really Moc all too much in 2017, and I think I figured out why. I was building for others, and not for myself. I do not mean this in a literal sense, but that when I went to build I was always trying to build to meet some standard I imposed upon myself based on those around me. I wasn't building what I truly wanted to build, but I was building to try and compare to the other MOCist's around me. If a moc didn't have a custom torso of some kind, it wasn't
Serious question... Which version of bionicle heads did you enjoy/find more useful? The 2001-2003 heads, the 2004-2008 heads, or the 2009-2016 heads? Mind you, the glatorian, HF, Brain attack and okotan heads are all very similar in my opinion hence why I am clumping them together. I personally will always prefer the 2004-2008 heads as I felt they were a bit more versatile.
You ever have a moment where you spend a good minute or two in silence, trying to remember where a certain piece is? I've had those alot lately, the most recent one was me trying to remember where a Trans-Neon Green head was, particularly which moc or model was using it. Sat there for a good 3 minutes in silence, trying to mentally go through my mocs and remember.
So I and this group of guys were fighting the nameless king, as it was my third playthrough, on that character at least, and honor in boss fights had been thrown out the window during the second playthrough. Well just as we finished off the nameless king... well something amazing and magical happened. I have no clue what caused this glitch, but all of us saw it as I later confirmed, and the one guy with a mic on broke out into laughter. First time I've ever heard another person's voice in d
So now that I've basically played through Moon, at least up to right before the Elite Four, taking my sweet time, I wanted to address my biggest complaint about Sun and Moon, and really my only complaint. WHY NO LUNATONE AND SOLROCK!!! Really, given the names of the game, and the significance of space, why exclude the two pokemon that are literally sun and moon pokemon? I mean I was really hoping the two might have some story significance, because sun and moon, but nope nothing. Then I wa
So towards the start of November, I had commissioned an artist, by the name of NikkyDash, may know her from her Ruby Nuzlocke Comic she does. Nonetheless been wanting to get a commission of Seymour done for awhile. For those who don't know, Seymour is an Alakazam that was part of my first "Truly" competitive team, when I started taking competitive battling seriously. He was dubbed the "Dragon Killer" as I had him know the move dazzling gleam which was able to usually one shot most dragon types,
So... Apparently Gali's "Crystal" armor and Terak's "Crystal" armor glow very, very faintly under blacklight, at least the transparent parts. I noticed this while doing one of my blacklight appreciation moments, since I very rarely have my blacklight on, and I noticed that my kopaka moc's crystal armor was glowing, which was actually Gali's armor. I mean it's not glowing incredibly and one could easily believe it is a trick of the light, but when compared to Kopaka's golden unity mask, it defini
So I am planning on taking a somewhat freelance class that a person is offering in photography, and a scholarship I have is able to cover the costs of the class, which includes having to get a DSLR Camera... The director of the class is only allowing Canon or Nikon Cameras, and wants at least a 55mm lens attachment... Odd limitations but not gonna argue. Now I've never bought a DSLR camera, nor can I say I ever really have looked at buying them. As such I'm hoping those who might frequent my b
So not much worth noting for Gym 5, as I used two flying pokemon to take care of said gym, however Gym 6... That is a different story So started with Raze, thinking fire would be good against steel. It was, but her magnemite used thunderbolt, and Raze was left clinging at 1 HP. Immediately brought out Snowdome, and used him for the rest of the entire fight. One-shotted both her Magnemites with Dig, and single-handedly took down her steelix. Funny fact, Snowdome has Sand Veil, and Jasmine kept ha
So I'm not a huge fan of videos that explain indepth lore or fan theories about pokemon, aka I never really watch them, however there is one video I watched recently that really intrigued me, and I would suggest watching should you like this type of stuff. It's really well done and really in depth. Also it's about an hour long, but well worth that hour of time. Also fairly certain it's safe, I don't remember there being anything that could potentially have it unlinked here... https://www.youtub
Screw Morty! Screw him and his stupid Gengar. Everything was going great, Shelob was kicking his other pokemon's behind thanks to the convenient Shadow Sneak she learned just before fighting him, and then his gangar came out and started spamming Hypnosis and Shadowball. Barely managed to get Shelob out of there, as she was clinging to life with 5 hp. Brought in snowdome, first move gangar used hypnosis, switched in raze, sucker punch then hypnosis. Finally brought in Kenya, still hypnosis, but t
As the title suggest, we beat Whitney, and Snowdome, whom is now a Sandslash, kicked the ever loving poo out of Miltank with a single Focus Blast! Fear Miltank we do not. Current team: Shelob Lv: 13 Ivan Lv:13 Raze Lv:21 Snowdome Lv:22 (Now Sandslash) Kenya Lv:21 (Totally not stolen from Route Guard Webster) Jimothy Lv: 16 Route Update: Route - Pokemon 29 - Ivan (HootHoot, M, Quiet) 30 - Shelob (Spinarak, F, Impish) 31 - Spinarak (N/A) Sprout Tower - Ratatta (N/A) 32 - Jimothy (Bellsprout, M
Firstly, This session was amazing. My luck with the pokemon that was my first encounter in each route was amazing. I ran into a couple mareeps, though sadly couldn't catch them since Jimothy, A bellsprout, was already caught on that route. Caught a Sandshrew as well in Union cave... Named it Snowdome for obvious reasons. Did I mention it had a quick claw, because it did. Then I beat Bugsy, not much of a threat, though His Scyther's quick attack was quite a hassle. Also beat Spirit's (Rival) C
So I have beaten the first gym, just barely though as Falkner's Pidgeotto almost kicked Raze's behind, however a well timed critical ember, followed up with a quick attack, managed to secure us the victory. Current Team: Raze(Quilava): Lv: 14 Ivan(Hoothoot): Lv: 8 Shelob(Spinarak): Lv: 9 Togepi Egg Route - Pokemon 29 - Ivan (HootHoot, M, Quiet) 30 - Shelob (Spinarak, F, Impish) 31 - Spinarak (N/A) Sprout Tower - Ratatta (N/A) N/A means it was not caught, or fainted.
So it begins. I deleted the prior data, and started up the game. Named my character Vox for obvious reasons, and since the trainer id ended in a 0 I was able to choose the starter of my choice. I've always been a Cyndaquil man. Still am. This one's stats seem heavily infavor of speed. Also looking for name suggestions for future pokemon, since I will be nicknaming all pokemon. Heck, if you want a pokemon named after you, I will also use display names if wanted. *Imagines hijinks like this oc
So since I bought a New 3DS XL, I'm going to restart my Heartgold Nuzlocke, since it's been awhile since I played my prior run. A new system, a new start. I will make a new blog post after every gym beaten, unless I beat several in one session, which will include a running list of pokemon caught and which route they were caught on. Also every Update post will have Nuzlocke in the tag. Here are the rules: Core Rules: Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released. The playe
Hey, ever wondered what a lifesize minifig would look like if done out of flesh and whatnot? You haven't? Well you will now. Someone cosplayed as a Minifig but took it a step further than just yellow skin and blocky cardboard. I'm not going to go into detail. Think I saw this originally on SourcefedNerd? I think, and figured it might be worth sharing on here. Link to the full Article
So I don't think I've made an entry like this before... but given an interesting revelation I felt it might be worth it. There is one massive gripe I have about the contests Bzpower runs. A large portion of the time they never stick to their schedules. This is most prevalent within the Flickr Contests, which has seen voting delayed quite sometime in the past. The most current example is BBC #73, there was suppose to be three sections of voting: Preliminary Voting begins June 23rd and ends June
So I've been putting off upgrading to windows 10 since it's initial release, however now that it is almost a year later, and the 'Free Upgrade' deadline is approaching, I was wondering if anyone who does use windows 10 could perhaps provide some insight. Firstly, is it actually stable yet? I know one of the big problems when it first came out was that alot of people were getting crashed, Blue screens of Death and some computers being rendered unusable.... Is this still occurring on a regular b
So I'm considering buying a game for my 3DS, something I haven't done since ORAS came out... My 3DS is like the ugly stepchild of my systems. I've narrowed my choice down to the following games. Super Smash Bros Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Or Wait for Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright to come out... Also before anyone mentions it, I know smash for the WIIU is better than the 3DS version, but I do not own a WiiU nor Do I intend on buying one. Also if anyone else has
So I've never really talked about this before, but for the last three years I've been part of a rather amazing, my personal opinion, MUD called The Inquisition: Legacy, or TI:Legacy for short. For those who don't know what a MUD is, it stands for Multi-User Dungeon. It's essentially a Text-Based MMO. However what sets TI:Legacy apart from a majority of it's fellow MUDs is the fact it is heavily RP Driven, such as the BZPRPG, where as most MUDs are hack and slash type games. Though that isn't to
So awhile ago I remember reading some comment on the BBC section of the forums, particularly revolving around a certain contest, can't remember which one, and it was mentioned that there was a certain piece that was allowed to be cut without it causing the model to be disqualified, since most BBC Contests require the use of non-modified parts. If I remember correctly it was stated to be a hose piece, like the one used in the Bahrag. However I'm not certain of this, since my memory on it is fu
So I may have given into temptation and bought the 'Myster Box' Square enix was offering, which supposedly had a random selection of 5 pc games, for $10, a deal I could not ignore even if it was random. Just opened it up and can't say I'm disappointed in the selection. FINAL FANTASY® XIV: A REALM REBORN™ [PC DOWNLOAD] LIFE IS STRANGE [PC DOWNLOAD] FINAL FANTASY® XIII [PC DOWNLOAD] LARA CROFT AND THE TEMPLE OF OSIRIS [PC DOWNLOAD] THIEF [PC DOWNLOAD] Also got a few discou