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New Graphiks?

I'm thinking I should make some new blog graphics for my blog. As I no longer use red, and they've gotten pretty boring (well, most of 'em). So, I'm gonna be making some new graphics, maybe some new content blocks. If you have any suggestions for a content block, feel free to suggest it. ALSO, please nominate someone for the Second Challenge. P



Heart It Races

I cannot get this song out of my head.   Though that's not exactly a bad thing.




So, I head out for Brickfair on Wednesday. I have 18 creations that I'm taking with me. Can't wait to meet all of the people who I've talked to online (who also happen to be there of course).



Brickfair Confirmed!

Dunno if you guys had seen any of the earlier entries about this, but I had recently acquired a Co-op job at Magna Seating and I was unsure what their vacation policy was etc. Well, I asked my soon-to-be boss if I could take off August 4-6 as I had been planning for the trip since February. I just got his reply and he said that they can "accomodate [my] planned trip request"   So, I'm totally going to DISNEYWORLD BRICKFAIR



Even More Pictures

-1-2-3-4-   Colors/Designs are not final. It's a very early WIP. I'll probably make it into some sort of rifle or robot or something.   Any ideas?   P   -------Check out the entry below-------



Vector Art!

Unfortunately, it's not done in Powerpoint (as I don't own Powerpoint), but I like how it turned out. It's also my new blog approval. P




I guess I'm going to have to order some parts. Because I don't have enough flames for the MOC that I'm doing. ALSO: Promethius. P




One that I could possibly make. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «* New Black Arm Mechanical, Exo-Force / Bionicle Qty: Qty Available: 117 Each: $0.45 Total: $13.50 * New Light Gray Pneumatic T Piece New Style (T Bar) Qty: Qty Available: 152 Each: $0.63 Total: $12.60 * New White Arm Mechanical, Battle Droid Qty: Qty Available: 35 Each: $0.37 Total: $4.44 Cart contains 62 Items in 3 Lots totalling $30.54 ------------------------------------------------




I myself perfer rock and/or techno. What do you like? Who's your favorite band. EDIT: Stupid Computer! Instead of editing, it republished this. And thanks, Sy-Dowg. That title works. d[]b P



For Your Consideration

Well, I finished my PBZP: B. I'll take pics of it eventually. And I'll probably post a topic for Tohnak later today. Or not. Maybe Solek. Or I might even post the PBZP. I don't know yet. In other news: I've still got a request I've gotta do. And I've got that Mecha WIP. Oh, IMO, Mahri tubes are the best pieces ever. They just so useful. And neat looking. P



Camcorder -d(^^,)b-

Man, I haven't listen to music (like just put in my headphones and zoned out) in forever. It feels so relaxing. And I really need to get a camera of my own instead of borrowing the family one, as I haven't been able to use it for a week at least. Also, just a little question: CamCorder or Caveman? Hmm? Not like ya'll would really understand what I'm asking or anything, but please make an arbitrary decision. P



Two Weeks

In two weeks I'll be shipping out to Brickfair. As of this posting, I have 16 things built, and plan on having at least one or two more.   An even 20 would be cool, but I dunno if I could pull it off.



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