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It's Monday, Right?

So, for any who saw the Mecha WIP that I had for the first Heirarchy challenge, I've finished it. And I didn't want to give it knees, as they made it incredibly unstable. And I've started building Luz's Self MOC (one of his prizes for winning DMC #1) (speaking of prizes, I'll be posting prizes for my Challenge later (maybe tomorrow)). I'm revamping my old torso design for it (Luz's self MOC, that is). Yup. Oh, and here's another banner: (it's kinda fun to make these (even if they ar



It's Crazy How Normal Everything Is

So, I think it's just insane how much my life is different than what it was like right when I graduated high school (which was only 10 months ago). There was a month of downtime between when High School ended and "College" (in my case, "Work") started.   In the past 9 months, I've: Had 3 school terms, yet only even been on campus for one Worked 40 hours a week for 6 months Moved out of my parents house Joined a fraternity Rented my own apartment Started paying taxes Learned that I'd rat



It Begins....

I have started the countdown until entries for my Blog contest will not be accepted. P



Intimidator T2

Just finished it. It was origionally gonna be for Teeb Sapien's blog contest, but it's too small for a Toamod. I'll probably take/upload some pics later. Oh, and it goes vroom vroom. P




I'm debating whether to change Hoylre's silver Miru to a green one. I'll have to see what he looks like with it. Other than that, he's mostly done. And I finished Sorren, I'll be editing him into the MOC topic as soon as I take pics. And I have a Mecha WIP. I'll make an entry for it later, though it's also going to be part of a challenge I have planned for some members of the MOC Club. But as I said, you'll learn more in a later entry. P



If I Were To Hold A Contest...

... Would anyone join? And this wouldn't be a nomination only kind of contest. Full blown, every one can enter kind. But it would have some different rules and stuff than regular BBC contests, of course. If I can get at least ten people to enter, I'll setup the whole thing by Wednesday/Thursday. Any takers? P



If I Had A Camera...

I'd take pics of Promethius' most reccent stage. Oh, and Moto, too. OH YEAH: I've been having some fun playing around in Alchemy. I don't like the lack of an undo feature, though... P



I'm On A Roll

Just finished yet another MOC. I'll take pics of it later. For all those who are keeping track (if there is any) that brings the number of MOCs I'm bringing to Brickfair to 12.



I Posted A Moc?

Instead of posting a teaser in my blog? What? Anyways... ^Click for topic^ Please review it/ look at it. P



I Love College, Round 2

Inter-Fraternity Council Tomato Fight Against Hunger was awesome. Not much beats throwing rotten tomatoes at people on a Saturday morning.   Also, I got a 5.1 Surround Sound Speaker set for my computer here. I am so happy



I Love College

Also, I need to go home sometime and grab some pieces to build with. I usually have a ton of downtime on Tuesday as I only have one class.   But yeah, college has been awesome so far.   And I'm totally going to the Deadmau5 concert on the 25th. Me and my friend are going to make Mau5heads B)



I Dunno

Should I post the members I've got finished, then updating the topic, or wait, and post all 7 that I've got started (Mora's taking a little longer to, um... think up)? I dunno... P



I Can Has Sprites?

Recolors of some Rayg kit sprites. Recoloring is a pain. I don't want to even think about how painfull it is to actually sprite the things. Also, does anyone know how I can zoom in on them and have them keep their quality (in Paint.NET)? Or should I just just use MS Paint for that? P



I Built!

In another age, that would be a pretty obvious statement. First thing I've managed to put together in 6 weeks.   (on a somewhat related note, the thing that I built last time I came off of a month long hiatus was a little bit more impressive. However, I had access to pieces over that break, so it was just kinda sitting around in bits and pieces during then. That break was a "can't figure out what to build." This break was a "can't build.")



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