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Scratch That

I'm not entering UBBCC 50. I just don't like the matoran or the toa. And it's no longer gonna be Distorted (which I can understand why, and I actually have a good idea for the new one). I just don't like how it looked. Oh, and I deleted the B-shelf folder, so the links don't work. I'm reworking the big thing, and I'm gonna take new (and better pics). After I finish it. P



Three Birds, One Stome

And that's an intentional misspelling, BTW. Anywho, I've finished all three stages. Whoo! IDK, the matoran doesn't really impress me, and aside from his shoulders, the toa doesn't really have any new ideas, but I like the big thing. I'll take pics/post some later. P



Update (one Stome)

I don't think I'll be able to enter UBBCC #50. Mainly because almost all my ball joints are in use between Evangelion and the final stage of Distorted. And Ill be leaving really early on friday. I'll try to finish if I can, but don't expect it. Oh, and I'm probably gonna be not posting a MOC in the BBC for awhile. I've seen some of the BBCC #50 entries, and the fact that they shall dominate any other MOC topic scares me. I'll make a review of Mischeif's sooner or later (I <3 it). I may pos



Two Stomes, One Bird

I've got a good start on PBZP: Distorted. Yup. And I think I'll be making it evolve and such, so I can enter it in the UBBCC #50. I've already got most of the torso and the wings done (this is all for the final form, I'll start the other two after I finish it), and I 've got a good idea for the head. I kinda know what I'm gonna do for the arms. There are no legs. I have to get the base/stand finished, so I can take some WIP pics. Yup. P



I Posted A Moc?

Instead of posting a teaser in my blog? What? Anyways... ^Click for topic^ Please review it/ look at it. P



Make It Stop!

I can't seem to finish anything right now. Not my book I'm reading, not my report I'm writing, not my MOC I'm building. It's irritating. And suspense is killing me. Argh! Oh, and Zip, if you still want a chain skirt thing-y, I thought something like This might work (it's more of a "metal skirt, but I think it'd look better with a few more mahri tubes it might work. And you could tweak it a bit.) I can't even finish this ent




Current amount of (updated) views my Heirarchy WIP has (on b-shelf), making it the second most viewed folder of mine (the creations folder's a distant first w/6560). I think I'll make a new sub folder for all my newer MOCs, to clean it up a bit. Oh, and I've started a psuedo Visorak revamp. I seem to be in a humanoid building funk, and I can't seem to get any further on my PBZPs (I'm working on it). P



You Know What?

Out of my last four MOCs, all of them have been solid black with a few other colours added in. P



Lol No.

Suspense kills more people than falling coconuts. For those who care, I might post a MOC topic tomorrow. Or not. And for those who know, I've already posted a MOC topic. P



Intimidator T2

Just finished it. It was origionally gonna be for Teeb Sapien's blog contest, but it's too small for a Toamod. I'll probably take/upload some pics later. Oh, and it goes vroom vroom. P




So, I think I'm gonna restart my PBZP. But I won't be making Toas. Yeah. So, if anyone wants to be in it, plese PM me or post your request here. First come First serve basis. Be kinda general with what you want, and I'll do my best with that. Yup. A B C D- Started E- Started F G H I J K L M N O P-Done Q R S- Working on T- Started U V W X Y Z P




If I were to complain about getting few posts in any given topic, I can almost guarntee you that I'll get more posts. Also, if I made an incredibly horrible MOC, I'd get more reviews than an amazing/cool MOC. I find that to be pretty funny/ironic. Hah. Also, I think I might do a few entries about 10 reasons why something is FAIL/WIN. P



A Rule Pertaining To The Challenge

Please Read the entire paragraph that follows. Thanks. Alright: I have decided to create a voting process on whether MOCs that enter the contest should be DQ'd (if they break the rules) So, the entrant whose MOC breaks the rule will appeal to myself and the other entrants, and the other entrants will vote "Don't DQ" or "Do DQ." The other entrants should consider all points made by the entrant that makes the appeal before making their decision. Also, the entrants that are voting Must PM the



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