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And with that, I'm done making banners for awhile. P



Dear Brickworld

Why do you have to be during my final exams?   Cuz I would totally go if you weren't.



Hoylre Added

^Click for Updated Topic^ Added Hoylre To the MOC topic. Please go check it out. P



Bbc 58

So, anyone built anything cool for it yet? I'm going to be lazy and hope that somebody feels like showing me their MOC or something instead of going and looking for one myself. But yeah, if you think your entry's pretty spiffy, link me to it and such. I'll prolly comment if it's really cool. I'll prolly comment if it's not cool, too. P



On My Shelf

Yeah, I actually do keep my stuff together nowadays.   Also, I picked up the shelf at Goodwill for 7 bucks.   No really, I picked it up. I carried it out of the store, up my stairs and into my room (after I put it in my car and drove it to my house of course).




So, dunno how many of y'all know about Lego CUUSOO, but essentially people can post up "projects" and if there's enough support from other users, Lego will review the project and it has a shot at being a set. So, I thought that I would post up my old Midak Mech on it and see if it gains any traction (because, personally, seeing a MOC become a Lego set would be pretty awesome) and also because I think it's the most viable one.   (image takes you to the CUUSOO project page)   Feel free to suppor



My Thoughts On The Batman

Well, I just saw it. It was pretty darn good. And people weren't kidding when they said Heath played a good Joker. He did (just not the same kind of Joker like Jack Nicholson). If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you go see it. I'm not gonna give away any plot details, so I can't describe it much more, but I would've liked it if Two-Face had some more airtime. P




Thinking about cool things to build is almost as fun as actually building them.   Also MOT=My own Thought



Brickfair Confirmed!

Dunno if you guys had seen any of the earlier entries about this, but I had recently acquired a Co-op job at Magna Seating and I was unsure what their vacation policy was etc. Well, I asked my soon-to-be boss if I could take off August 4-6 as I had been planning for the trip since February. I just got his reply and he said that they can "accomodate [my] planned trip request"   So, I'm totally going to DISNEYWORLD BRICKFAIR




Well, I went job hunting today after dinner, and my last stop was a K-Mart. After I got my application, I decided to go buy a set. I would've bought one of the Phantoka, but I only had 7 bucks on me. Anyways, long story short, I bought Solek, built him (sans instructions (who needs those?)), took him apart, and revamped him. I'll probably take pics of him later, but I like how he looks. And I realized how much I love Mahri tubes. P



You Know What?

Out of my last four MOCs, all of them have been solid black with a few other colours added in. P



Money Planning! Oh Fun

On one hand, it's nice paying for things and knowing that I'll have enough money to pay for things.   On the other hand, it sucks knowing that out of the approximate $7K I'll make over the next work term, I'll only have maybe $50 dollars for discretionary purposes. If I'm lucky.   But hey, that's my comeuppance for not being smart about how I spent my money last school term. It may suck, but it's a good lesson to learn.   Next school term, I'm not going to have a whole lot to spend, that's f




I'm debating whether to change Hoylre's silver Miru to a green one. I'll have to see what he looks like with it. Other than that, he's mostly done. And I finished Sorren, I'll be editing him into the MOC topic as soon as I take pics. And I have a Mecha WIP. I'll make an entry for it later, though it's also going to be part of a challenge I have planned for some members of the MOC Club. But as I said, you'll learn more in a later entry. P



Counting The Days

Two days 'till my contest ends.   Three days 'till my work term ends.   Nine days 'till I ship off to college.   Fourteen days 'till my first class.   Also, it's a good song by Collective Soul. IMO.




If I were to complain about getting few posts in any given topic, I can almost guarntee you that I'll get more posts. Also, if I made an incredibly horrible MOC, I'd get more reviews than an amazing/cool MOC. I find that to be pretty funny/ironic. Hah. Also, I think I might do a few entries about 10 reasons why something is FAIL/WIN. P



WIPs Ongoing

Turns out I still have pieces (helps to unpack and have a place to build):     I've got more in the works so keep an eye out....   Also hi, it's been a while.   P



You Gotta Fight

For Your Right To Party! (Beastie Boys) The Clio Ampetheater Reopedned! And what's even sweeter is that the whole venue is free for the summer! Granted, there aren't any bands that I know playing there, but that's okay, it's free entertainment. P



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