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Dueces Are Wild

(Aerosmith) Anyways, the second chapter of The Tale of Sorren. I'd really like it if someone reviewed it (besides Vorik, cause he's the only one so far). The Good Cap'n Read the chapter and you'll know who he is. P




Nothing seems to be hapening in the BBC. Or the blogs (that I've got great intrest in, at least). Ugh. Will something please happen? Or could somebody tell me of something that is happening? *Dies from boredom* P




He walked out on to the balcony and then overlooked his island of Xia. He saw the foundries’ smog and steam flow into the air, the birds flying, and the ports bustling. What he saw next disturbed him. In the ocean, moving towards the island, was a fleet, the likes of which he had never seen. This was no trade fleet, but the fleet of a conqueror. He had heard tales of this fleet, he knew its prowess. He feared for the lives of his Xians. His brother was coming home, and there was nothing he could




I won Argy's MOCotW! Whoo! He's probably posted it in his blog, but I wanted to say it too. P



10 Things

1. Gotta do something with my Eveangelion WIP 2. Do something like this (I like the idea) 3. Do some of my PBZPs 4. Finish Luz's self MOC 5. Finish my entry for Bunda's contest 6. Complete another contest MOC 7. Create some instructions for some easy designs 8. Decide whether to relaunch the second Heirarchy challenge or to post the polls 9. Make some banners. 10. Redo my PBZP: D and change the current version and call it something else. P



Post 900

Well, that was uneventful   In other news, I have no clue what I am going to do for the next week.   Well, I take that back.   On Friday, I've got my High School's Honors Ceremony, on Saturday I'm going to the Michigan Track and Field State meet in Zealand, on Sunday I've got Graduation, on Tuesday, I'm going to the Badar Track Meet, tomorrow and Monday I'm going to be working. And I'm only going to those Track meets because my girlfriend qualified for them (I'm just going to cheer her on)  



A Rule Pertaining To The Challenge

Please Read the entire paragraph that follows. Thanks. Alright: I have decided to create a voting process on whether MOCs that enter the contest should be DQ'd (if they break the rules) So, the entrant whose MOC breaks the rule will appeal to myself and the other entrants, and the other entrants will vote "Don't DQ" or "Do DQ." The other entrants should consider all points made by the entrant that makes the appeal before making their decision. Also, the entrants that are voting Must PM the



City Holiday

My mayor declared today a city holiday and dedicated it to me. He did this for another one of my troop's eagle scouts as well as our X-Country team (cause they were state champs a few years back). I think my mayor likes declaring holiday P



Hands Are Whar?

Can't seem to make a good set of hands right now. They're all uuuuuuuugly. Or too big. Right now the lower arms on the MOC I'm working on are, like, carbon copies of the ones on my HD MOC. Other than that, most of it's done, I'll probably get pics up later.   And in other news: I need to know if anyone's even planning on entering my blog contest.   P



Duel Thingy To End All Duel Thingies

(Y'all can find it here) So, I've definitely gotta step up my game, or I'll lose to Disty. And that won't be any fun. So far, there's been three rounds. The first round, we both had to make a Throwbot revamp. My revamp ^ Then, we had to build an accurate snowmobile. Which neither one of us did. Because we both were unable to etc. Now, we have to build a politically charged MOC. Which I can't post here because it isn't finished and BZP has this one policy thing about politics and



A Minor Detail...

I found this looking through my pictures folder (on my computer). From my Hapori Dume MOC back awhile. I guess I never included it because I thought the pic quality was bad (which it is). I used a total of eight Hockey feet on that torso. I really like that piece, I guess. I mean, I use it on a ton of MOCs, especially a lot of my newer ones. And now I have to log off. I've got some writing to do. P



D9 And Other Musings (brickfair!)

So, these two, plus two other MOCs are going to be at Brickfair. CF's already got them. Anywho... District 9 was pretty sweet. Lot of cool effects and whatnot. Kinda felt bad for the Prawns every now and then. Really felt bad for Wikus. Mech was sweet looking. Didn't care much for the gore (girlfriend didn't like the gore), but all in all it was a good movie. Ya'll should go see it. Well, probably not all of you, because it's pretty gory, and it you can't stomach that, then I don't suggest it



Blog Name

Back to it's older name.   ALSO   I builded a MOC. Which is odd because before I was blocked or something and couldn't.   But I did.   And I should be postin' it tomorrow.




Today I'll be making an entry about the BZP member: Zip is 13 years old. He likes to MOC, listen to Linkin Park, he likes anime (Naruto is his favorite), and he also likes books. Zip also watches cartoons now and then, he likes the show Avatar. Zip's favorite MOC is ToM's Nox. List of Awesomeness: -Zip's Most current MOC is Nu V2 -Zip has made a banner -Zip is known as a good MOCer, and he has a unique style -Zip offers good criticism to many MOCs in the BBC -Zip's B-Shelf is



Pictures =/

I won't be able to commandeer a camera till Saturday. I think. Maybe tomorrow. But anyways, I really do need to take pics of my *goes to countn WIPs* three WIPs. And Moto. Who should count as a WIP, as it's still not complete (I'll have to see how my pics turn out... [when I take them, of course]). And I plan on getting around to those reviews that ya'll requested, I've just gotta gather my thoughts first. And I'll pretty much be ignoring any requests requested after I post this entry until I



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