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Entries in this blog

To Prove A Point

I am now going to watermark this: into all of my MOC Entry pics (the ones that usually have the title in the pic [i'm not going to watermark it in all of my pics, that take forever]) from now on (unless, you know, I'm prohibited from it and all). P



Time Traveling

My Goals for MOCing: -Make a Toa-Ju-esque MOC -Make something that uses those Pridak Feet in a cool way -Use more Mahri tubes (I love those) -Build a good Fusion MOC -Build some more non-Toa -Make more rahi -Use some of my cooler colored masks (in particular my green Kaukau or red Pakari) -Get Better (this is more of a check-list of things I want to do before I stop MOCing) P Well, I was actually looking for a different entry from my earlier years of having a blog, but this on



Throwing Pieces Together

Zip was right. You can build a really simple Toamod out of Hero Factory pieces and it won't look like garbage! Well, it can still turn out to be garbage, but at least basic stuff that's done well won't look bad.



Three Birds, One Stome

And that's an intentional misspelling, BTW. Anywho, I've finished all three stages. Whoo! IDK, the matoran doesn't really impress me, and aside from his shoulders, the toa doesn't really have any new ideas, but I like the big thing. I'll take pics/post some later. P



This Is Madness!

Don't tell me you didn't expect a 300 reference. And this will probably get lost in the flood. Whoo! P



This Is A Completely Different Entry

You know what? After I build a MOC and take pics of it, it usually doesn't stay together very long after I post the pics (in some cases, the MOC's been dissassembled for a few days before I post pics). Some times it does stay together (especially if it's a WIP). How 'bout you guys? Do you take your MOCs apart frequently? EDIT: Wow, I just bumped my previous entry twice on accident. P



The Moc Club

Well, I've finnally decided to recreate The MOC Club, based of the old one by Ca'gerrin (I would like to note that this is not the same club, and Ca is in no ways affiliated with it). This Club shall be for MOCers/MOCists who want to get together, and talk about MOCs, hold Blog based MOC contests, disscuss MOC designs, post WIPs to recieve criticism, post older MOCs to recieve criticism that they didn't get origionally, and to discuss the goings on in the BBC. This club shall be a slightly selec



The Last Airbender

M Knight Shamalamadingdong has removed all the fun and coolness from the series (he even wrote the dialogue, which explains a lot). I am disappoint.   Totally not worth your time nor your money. Go see a good movie instead (or, you know, watch the animated series, which is excellent)



The Heirarchy (advancement)

Well, thank you all for the reviews you all sent in, this was not an easy decision. But, a decision has been made. The new MOC Club Sub-Leader is: ~Ballom~. So let us all congradulate Ballom on his promotion in the heirarchy. So, congrats Ballom. I'll PM you later w/ all the info you'll need for your disscussion entry. Also, I'll post the second challenge tomorrow. P



The Challenge

So, for any who have paid any attention to this blog, you should know that I am holding a challenge for MOCers/MOCists that have been nominated by other members. The following MOCists/MOCers are able to participate in this Challenge (In no particular order): Toa Ausar Ballom Kopakalaka Kaji Luz Cero Elemental Rahaga Pulsar Zip_Er Chrome Draxon Draco Cyanopterus Anyways, the Challenge is as follows: Build anything that you would like (i.e. a freebuild). But, there is a restrict



The Challege (nombre Deux)

Yes, I know my blog contest names are waaaaay creative. At least I used some rudimentary French this time.   ANYWHO   The challenge is this:   You must build a MOC (duh). But not just any boring, ordinary MOC. You must build one of MY MOCs in YOUR style. And then you have to make it better.   Let that sit in a little. Good? Ok.   I'll clarify:   The challenge is that you have to rebuild one of my MOCs (it doesn't matter which one [well, it kinda does but I'll get to that later]) in your ow



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