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Parts Orders

Order Batch Summary: -------------------------------------- Total Items: 103 Unique Items (lots): 22 Total: $19.55 -------------------------------------- Items in Order: -------------------------------------- [used] Aquanaut 1 (x1) ..... $0.99 each = $0.99 [used] Aquashark 1 (x1) ..... $1.20 each = $1.20 [used] Blacktron 2 ...100% complete, with air tanks (x1) ..... $1.00 each = $1.00 [used] Spyrius Chief ...100% complete (x1) ..... $1.75 each = $1.75 [used] Unitron Chief ...100% c



Today we will embark on a roller coaster of nostalgia

I ordered some old Nuva/Krana polybags and Kanoka boxes a couple months ago, and they finally arrived this week! Just for fun, here are some stats about the Kanohi Nuva polybags (though 20 is probably not a statistically representative sample, so this might be utterly meaningless). The masks were clearly not distributed evenly throughout the polybags; some were rarer than others. Focusing only on shape, the Miru was the most common, with 12 appearing out of 20 polybags (40 masks



Another Flintsmith Original!

Once again, I am reminded of how fantastic Flintsmith's work is.     For any non-ancient members, Flintsmith makes custom pieces, especially Kanohi and other collectibles, in both plastic and metal. His pieces are virtually indistinguishable from official pieces, and are quite highly sought after by collectors.   Thanks again Flintsmith!   -Letagi




Staff name change. Has fail. *** Also, anyone who has memorized the first nine digits of pi is awesome. -




So I might be going to see them on Thursday. Haven't bought tickets yet (or rather a ticket) but I'm thinkin' about it. Ordinarily I probably wouldn't go, since I'm not a huge fan, but this might be their last show ever, so I'll probably never have a chance to go again. -



On J. Last's article regarding the adult LEGO fanbase

Yesterday Andrew posted this article by Jonathan Last to the front page. While I agree it's nice to see a mention of the LEGO hobby in more widely-read media, as something of a journalist myself I have a few bones to pick with this bit of writing.   The article on Acculturated is titled "The Cult of LEGO - It's creepy. And awesome." The title on the New York Post is "Why Legos [sic] are the best toy ever (for adults too)." Both titles are a little cringe-worthy if you've ever read or written for



Come Together

It's such an amazing song. The Aerosmith version is on the radio right now. Of course, hearing the recorded version can never compare to hearing it live. Because yes, they actually played it at the concert. -



LEGO Convention Musings

Since 2008, I've been a regular attendee at LEGO conventions - primarily Seattle's BrickCon, but I've made appearances in Portland and Virginia as well. I've attended nine conventions, and have plans to attend at least another three in the next year-and-a-bit.   These conventions are horrendously expensive to go to, especially for a university student still largely dependent on his parents for financial support. Flights are of course the largest contributor to this - my flights to BrickFair were



Oh How Lovely

The one good thing about appendicitis is that you get miss school. Lots of it. Okay not that much but whatever. The bad things? Everything else. -



Needz New Blag Title

Suggestions? Also leaving for Seattle in like twenty minutes. Coming back Sunday afternoon/evening. -



Not Dead Yet.

Hello everyone. So, contrary to popular belief, I'm still alive. Just thought I'd let you know.   Cheers.   -



Bionicle 2015 - 15.4%

Found some Protectors at a TRU today. I bought Water and Stone. They also had LOSS, but from what I've seen I'm not impressed with LOSS.   It's pretty cool to be buying Bionicle again after half a decade. I didn't get any of the Stars so it's been since 2009 for me. And the only HF set I ever got was a free one at BrickCon this year, so it's really been five years since I've gotten a constraction set of any kind.   In other news, I'm moving to Edmonton in a few days for university.   -Letagi



BrickCon approaches

And that means I require more brick badge ideas. Last time I did this, Ehks's idea was a smash hit; we have two bricks to fill this time, people - go!   -Letagi



So It's 10:51 Pm...

...And I'm doing homework. Or rather I'm about to. And I will be doing homework for about the next two-ish hours, maybe less. During this time I will need to keep my sanity, or what's left of it at least, so any and all attempts to distract me will be much appreciated. Really. Basically I've got a bunch of science to do and I have to take some notes on Parliament. Homework shall now commence. -



Brickcon Countdown Three

Time to BrickCon: In range. "You may fire leave when ready." Sorry Czar, couldn't help it . Also, I don't think my blog settings are working properly. I set it to approve all comments, but I still need to approve each one separately. -



Star Trek!

Okay, so some of you (if you read that content block) might know that I'm sort of a Star Trek fan. Well, all ten movies are being played on TV tonight. We're watching the first one right now. Hooray. -



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