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Never Judge A Book By Its Cover, Ever.

So far, my summer has been nothing but fail. My car, which I thought would have been able to drive for years to come, is diminishing faster than my blog entries on BZP. To -my- knowledge, the car has a RADIATOR LEAK, OIL LEAK, AND POWER STEERING FAILURE. My Dad has been cool, saying it's fine and it should be fixable... even though the power steering pump on my car is not even made any more (yea, it's an '01 car, and they don't even make the part), and radiator leak + oil leak = death of cars. T



Army Of Two

Wow.   Rated = M Rating = 10/10   I love this game. It's the best coop game I've seen. You play with another person, AI or a friend from online, and you have to use teamwork to get through your assignments. You have to be precise, and you better be good with shooter games. I am currently playing the campaign. So far, the campaign is awesome. I would have more to say, but I've just started to play the game.



One More Year..

And it's over.   It feels good. Now for my last year of grade school, and off to college... I need to find a job.. I guess I should take the job my sister's boyfriend keeps offering me. It'd keep me busy, plus money isn't bad either . He said it would pay about $7 an hour. That would mean that I could possibly get the cell phone kit finally installed in my car. OH! Senior pictures coming up next month. I get to bring my dog and my car .   Almost forgot, I have knee surgery a week from today



One More Exam!

My last high school Chemistry exam is tomorrow. It's open book and open notes. Also, the teacher said that we could print stuff off the internet if it would help us. He was sick, so none of us got a review. From what I've heard, even from the people who don't take notes/don't listen, said that the test was easy. Everything should be fine if what they say is true.   I should write a poem "An Ode to Seniority"...   :wakeup2:



Back To Gh3

Apparently, next school year is going to be a bit more fun. It seems that my school might actually allow little game tourneys as long as we get them approved by our Superintendent, who is not at school because of a fairly bad illness. GH3 has been suggested so, that'd be sweet. I've already played with a few of my friends, but I'm curious to see how everyone else plays. GH3 is fun



I Have Internet And Yet..

.. I don't.   So I just got off of CoD4.. and I get the message "You need an XBox Live connection to play online." The thing is.. I'm in private chat with my friend, and he can start parties when he's the leader. I can't do anything as a party leader (i.e.- start a game, invite people, etc.), but I'm still connected to XBox Live. Also, I ran into ...juggernauts... and ...campers... with my friend.. I like neither, oh, and people who have UAV Jammer, Silence, and Silenced weapons make me mad...




In the game Call of Duty 4, there are prestiges you can enter after hitting the 55th level. Well, tonight I hit my 2nd 55 and switched to 2nd Prestige. And when you switch to a new prestige, your level goes all the way back down to 1. Well, the very next game, I killed 20 people and didn't die -once-, and was promoted twice. XD   War Hybrid is my GamerTag if anyone wants to send me a friend invite.




Just got this random phone call and the first 2 words that came out of the caller's mouth were "Hey baby." I laughed so hard, but she realized she dialed the wrong number.   That deserves the Most Random Phone Call award... Now if I can find an appropriate image to show this award...



Meh, Whatever

Since school was canceled Wednesday and today, the last day has been moved to the 23rd (originally the 22nd).   Doesn't bother me much though.



Stupid Weather..

I'm literally flooded in my house. This was a 500-Year Flood Zone up until last night. Two cars are stalled in this "Lake Placid" because they thought they could drive through 2 feet of rain while they are driving cars which are low to the ground (It's actually like 10 inches, but the road is actually down further than my yard is, but concrete doesn't absorb water so..). I can understand trucks, they'd make it fine, but small cars... Whatever. School's been canceled for today, and there's anothe



Friends, Family, Juvenile Delinquents, Lend Me Your Ears...

As the Class of 2008 graduates into the next chapter of their lives, another group steps up to take leadership of their student body, the Class of 2009.   I thought that was a good line to start off a speech . Anyway, Seniors, you have my congratulations on graduating from Grade School.   I am going to be missing a lot of my friends. Some, if not all, I will most likely not see ever again, which is obviously sad.   Go to college, work smart, study hard, and concentrate on your goals. Don't



Whoever Donates Tuxes To Goodwill...

I... love... you...   Okay, so my mom and I went up to Goodwill today to see if we could find anything that she could make a costume out of. We, to our surprise, saw a very nice tux (pants and jacket) for $10. my mom is going to do a few alterations to the suit to make it look more Victorian "Age'd". We found a vest too (very similar to what men would have worn back in the 1800's). We also found material that she can make an ascot out of, and some other material to make a leather cover for my s



Need A Bit Of Help Finding A Costume Of Sorts..

Well, first thing: I got this whole outfit (suit stuff like the jacket, khaki pants, shoes, socks, belt, the whole nine yards) I needed to present my sister in her sorority thingy (of which, I have no idea what it is). The jacket reminds me of what House would wear sometimes.. Looks good.   Secondly: I'm currently on a desperate search to find a suit/outfit/costume of something that someone would have worn in the 1800's. I need that outfit for my American History project because each person goe



It's Been Some Time Bzp

Well, I'm not entirely too sure how long it's been since I've been on BZP, but I want to start visiting around a bit. It seemed a bit more non-chaotic here than in other places . In any case, I want to start coming back and start putting entries in my blog, talking to old friends, and so on. Uh, I wish I had more to put in this, but that's all I got. Whatever, school year is just 2 months away from being over... finally.



Beat 2 Games Within 2 Weeks

... without skipping sleep.   Assassin's Creed, in my opinion, has just received my "Most Favorite Game" Award. You have the liberty to -whatever- you want to. You have the choice of five weapons: hidden blade, sword, short knife, throwing knives, and his fists for when you try to interrogate someone. And the storyline is perfect. You start off searching for the Templar's Treasure, but you run into a few Templars who knock you out of the room and kill 1 of the 2 people that were with you. You



Got Me A 80gb Zune For Christmas...

... and I'm confused now more than ever.   I cannot figure out how to get my own music onto it or my own videos. Anyone that actually knows how to use a Zune care to explain to me this labrynth of a mp3 player?



Dog Escaped Death Going 35 Mph

Yeah, funny story...   My sister's dog got out yesterday at around 6:00 p.m. He's just a bit over 1 year old so he doesn't know any better to stay off the road. So he goes full-speed down the road and a car going about 35 mph is heading straight for him. The dog stops in front of it because he's never seen something like that before. Couple seconds later and BANG! He's rolling under the car, then pops out behind the car. He picks himself up, and comes back home.   My family and I take him to a



Cell Phone Scam...

I just got one of those fowarded emails and I'd thought I'd share it with you guys.   Thing is, if some "technician" does call you and ask for a "test," first of all tell them, "You just called me, you still need me to press buttons?" Then after they try to convince you otherwise, just hang up..



A Change Has Come

Change in title because of the game I love, Guitar Hero 3. I'm not catching up to Watashi Wa (who btw, is good) anytime soon, but I just got it a few days ago and finished a Medium career and got Through The Fire and Flames by Dragonforce. That is the best, most amazing song to play.   Imma thinking about finding some work soon... Thing is, I don't know what to get as a job.. I'm more of an educational kinda guy.   Heh, Fall, the season of change..



About Time..

After waiting weeks to get an appointment, Shriners Hospital in Shreveport has finally called back saying I can get an appointment...... in April of '08. On the plus side, I've got an appointment with Schumpert Hospital saying that I can come in, get a physical and better referral for Shriners to use. Oh, I guess I kinda just jumped this on the people who are reading this and have no idea what's going on.. To my medical history! 1996- Breaks left leg in three places: Greenstick fracture on tib



Hannah Montana Concert Stuff

I AM NOT IN ANY WAY A FAN   Putting that out there first of all. This is a news article in my area I found amusing.     Seriously, people, don't -ever- buy tickets that high... That's just ridiculous spending that much. I'm dreading traffic the day of the concert......



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