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Entries in this blog

I Finally Found It!

I guess I've been on the web too long. Look what I found!   -CF (PS, I didn't make that myself. I actually did find it) Quote of the Day: Foolish are those who play twister on the stairs. -skwidjm



My Newest Set!

I got a set at my last Wamalug meeting. I wanted to post pix, but I guess you could say I'm lazy. So, what is it?   This!   I love Space, and sorta missed out on most of it. (I did get some Exploriens, Insectoid, UFO, and a RoboForec (as well as a Blacktron minifig at BrickFest 06 (the newest kind))   I got it off -Don't mention sites with forums -Shine-, BTW. Really? Even this site? Weird....   -CF   Quote of the Day: The trouble with life is there's no background music.



I Need Your Opinion ( W I Ps)

OK, I've got two WIP's just ready to be finalized ('cause they're almost done) and I need your opinion.   First off, this guy. He is a Toa of Earth (duh). A couple things: the mask, head, and feet stay. Pretty much what I want from you is what you think of him as a whole, his weapon (and should it be a hammer? (but that's T-Hybrid's idea in his epic, so it's really his call)), and should I make his left claw black?   Second, this needs an explanation: This Toa was caught by the Visorak, mu



And We're Back (no Exclamation Point)

Classes started today. As others have done, I'll list my classes and some details, most likely about the teacher and if any friends are in it:   1: Accounting -Teacher says it'll be a hard course. -Teacher is a little crazy, also says she doesn't quite like Accounting. 2: U.S. Government -Teacher is mean in general. That's a fact throughout the whole school even before I got her. This is probably the one teacher nobody wants. 3: Analysis -New teacher to the school, but he's exper



Waking Up Early

About 4 hours earlier at 6:00. School started today. (Well, except for the Freshmen, who went yesterday) There's probably more bad news than good news, but it all seems OK in the end. I'll start with Homeroom: 3 friends, 2 friends aren't there (who should be, but that might mean that two wouldn't be) I guess it'll turn out OK in the end, because one of those friends in the other homeroom see eachother in the mornign anyway and share small MOCs. And there's clubs.   Also for Homeroom, it'



Great Idea!

OK, here's an idea for a sign:   "CAUTION: Dry Floor"   Huh? Huh? What do you think?   -CF   Quote of the Day: Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.



Eagle Scout Project

I had (part 1) of my Eagle Scout Project today!   For those of you who don't know, Eagle Scout is the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America. To obtain this, not only is a record of leadership, earning 22 merit badges, and an abundance of scout spirit needed (including a history of camping), but a service project must be made and carried out by the scout seeking Eagle.   I am building one of these for a nature park.   The temperature was about 100 degrees (F) but we still got almost all o



W I P's

Hmm, seems I have had some more time on my hands even though my Eagle Scout Project will be tomorrow....   So, I've fiddled with my Bionicle pieces, and come up with a few things. (By no means should you take this seriously or think this is the extent of my MOCing abilities. They are just ideas and thoughts and small MOCs to kill time and experiment with) (and some of these are fairly old)   Experiment #1 (has anyone tried using a Zamor magazine for a body? I might after trying this) Cool




Well, I don't quite like sports in general, but T-Hybrid and KIE blog about baseball so I though now was a great chance for me to do the same:   Basically, if you can't tell by the entry's title, it's about last nights Oriels game. Until the Nationals came to DC, the Oriels were (IMO) DC's and Northern VA's baseball team. So I am very disappointed in the game against the Texas Rangers.   There was an article in the Sports section of the Washington Post (newspaper) (a section I rarely read) w




I got inspired last night and just started building. I didn't think I'd want to call it Matoro, but he looks like it so I say, what the hey? (took me half an hour)   A Turaga (that looks like Matoro) Back Back 2 Another pose!   Funny thing is, I have a bunch of great MOCs I need to show off, but haven't loaded them up yet, yet here is a new MOC just made! (Of course, whenever I feel like posting a MOC, there's a BBCC going on and I figure that's a bad time unless the MOC is for the cont



Nathan Sawaya

Found a link to a CNN video (so it's ok to post, right?) Link This video talks to Nathan about his hobby and his exhibit. You can see many of his sculptures (Like "yellow" as seen in the Comedy Central video, as well as other color-named works) and a nice chat with him.   I hope it works, it didn't since it's a couple month's old and says I need a new plug-in. If people are having troubles with it I might decide to just talk about it and him.   Speaking of him, he has a web site, so google



Seal Of Approval

Yes, I have one! If I haven't given you one, but think I should have (in other words I visit your blog and seem to like it) go ahead and state your case. I'll check it out.     -CF PS, Lyichir, get blogging. Aanchir, encourage him! Quote of the Day: A cloud is 90% water, and a watermelon is 90% water. Therefore since a plane can fly through a cloud a plane can fly through a watermelon!



Brown Comments

I just finished commenting in this topic. The one on brown. I have wanted to give my thoughts on this matter (brown vs. keetorange, bringing back brown, and making sure Pohatu #3 will be brown (and tan)) Here is what I said:     While we're talking about color schemes, I really want the green back that was used before Metru. I guess this is myself because all I have is Lewa, Matau, and some random bits of green Technic pieces, but I also don't quite like the darker colors on green, red, a



Go T

I really have no idea how to spell goatee, gotee...?.   Anyway, after 12 days of not shaving while out on the trail at Philmont, I decided not to shave it all off!   Look! Another pic!   I had to shave it off because today I had senior portraits. But it was fun while it lasted! (And I experimented with sideburns, and I might do that later. But dress code says no facial hair (like GoT's) and sideburns can't extend past earlobes)   -CF   Quote of the Day: "But I confess to getting th




Just thought I'd throw that out there. (I'd also like to throw "Brakelatabassata feed me" out there but Rayg told me the staff goes crazy with that....) -CF Quote of the Day: You never really finish, you just run out of time.



Katsucon 14

I'm registered for Katsucon 14, an Anime Con in February here in the DC area. (Omni Shoreham Hotel) (Past Reference)   Yay! And I'll be cosplaying! (more on that later)   -CF   Quote of the Day: Why are our days numbered and not, say, lettered?



Autobots Rolling Out Again!

I saw it again. On July 31st. (twice in one month!)   My friend came over, said he hadn't seen it, so I said "Let's go!"   I wore my Transformers' shirt both times. (It has the Autobots' logo (Prime's head, right?) on it, against a black shirt. $10 at Target)   -CF   Quote of the Day: When I get a Mew, I'm going to name it Optimus, because it can learn TRANSFORM and ROLLOUT.




So, I haven't had a game system in my house, ever. My parents just wouldn't allow it. But then, right before I left my grandma's house in Pennsylvania, she handed my dad and me his (or his family's) old Atari (1960 (and a later version as well)) and a bunch of games.   So, my dad's kinda fine with it, being his old one and grandma gave it to us.   My favorite games so far are Pac-Man/ Ms. Pac-Man, Asteroids, and, of course, Space Invaders. (There's also one where you have to get a "chicken"



Giant Lego Man

Well, the server is back !!! and I have a lot to talk about since I havn't blogged in over a month. But I'm at my Grandma's house in Pennsylvania and am lucky to be online in the first place, so I'll save some stuff for when I get home and have more time.   Anyway, I got this message from my LUGLink   Interesting....   -CF




First, I'm off at Philmont Scout Ranch soon for two weeks Second, I'm about to renew my Premiership. Third, some of the new features here are confusing.   But that's not the reason for this entry.   It's come to my attention that some people think this blog is all serious and no fun. I beg to differ. I think that although I may enter the facts (I' want to get into journalism....) I almost always look on the bright things on life, making jokes here and there. Life's just too terrible to ha



Autobots, Rollout!

Transformers was awesome! Probably my #1 movie of the summer. (I want to see this again, and can't say that for Spidey 3 and Pirates 3. Although by the time I have time to see it again Harry Potter will be out and that's also on my list of things to see....)   The movie was packed with action, for one. Other than that, the Transformers feel was there, especially, well, when they transformed.   And now I have to use spoiler codes just in case I let something spill about details in the movie



My Last Entry?

Well, it's slightly because I'm off to Philmont starting Sunday, and that's for two weeks (hence I miss Otakon, the release of Harry Potter Movie 5 and Book 7, and BZP's birthday)   But another thing is that my Premiership is about to run out. I don't know when, because that little bit of info has been taken away from viewing.   Now, I have tried to renew. I've visited the Premiership topic and clicked on the processing form link in both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox from this comput



Fear Of Heights

I was about to title this entry "Just Shaved!" because I haven't shaved since last Saturday.   Anyway, I'll address everyone's comments here. Thanks a bunch!   Scout Camp Henson, part of DelMarVa council, was great! The best part was COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) in which we did mind games (I'll post one soon), low ropes/ground team-building games, and high ropes of a rock wall, a giant ladder, a cool rope/thingy obstacle course, and a rope bridge leading to a zip wire (the



Rain Rain Go Away

So hear at camp, we got stormed last night. Big time. Like there was a little swamp in front of some people's tents and some tents were leaking.   BTW, we're using platform tents, the Boy Scout kind. Me, being the SPL, was outside for most of it. It was so fun! The lightning made it as clear as day out side, only for a moment. I had to go outside to make sure everyone was OK and no other tents were leaking, if they were I'd hand them some plastic for the top of their tent.   The thunder



Rantings Of An Spl

Senior Patrol Leader that is   kinda leads from what Bundalings said in my last entry, this entry is all about annoyings peoples   basically my Boy Scout Troop is impossible. Yes, I have some good scouts, and I thank them for being good. But they don't deserve to have to put up with what the other scouts do. If those troublemakers (about 25 of the 43 we have here, sometimes the troop is as big as 60 at Summer Camp), if those troublemakers would just do as I said, no questions asked, then we



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