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Just Call Me Fonzi

So right now I'm dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt (as opposed to my school uniform) because I have a 1950s project to present in history class. If I could have, I would have rolled something in my sleeve to look like cigarettes, worn a black leather jacket, and slicked back my hair. Ah well, this will be fun.   -CF



Humphrey Award!

Yeah, I have nothing else better to blog about. (actually, I'll be putting in an OA thing shortly) anyway... Thanx Arpy!   -CF



Why I'm Really Not Here

I'm busy, busy, busy. I shouldn't be online right now. Imaging you are reading this, comment, but tell noone. Or whatever.   Here's what I got going in my life, and why you might be seeing less of me for about three weeks:   -Today, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: School Newspaper until about 6 each day. (I got out early today....) -Friday night to Sunday @ noon: Boy Sccout Order of the Arrow Ordeal Camping Trip. (I'm going for Brotherhood) -Homework: In gereral, I have homework to



Spam, Since 1937

Well, it looks like I screwed up a little. Especially since I had to do a PowerPoint presentation on Spam. I even obtained a Spam Boy Scout Patch at the the 2005 National Scout Jamboree! Both these say Spam started in 1937.   In fact, it was even used in World War 2, in which the US Congress passed an act to send 15 million cans of Spam a week to Europe!   (I'm including my "old" entry here, as well)   Yeah, let's celebrate Spam today on it's 70th anniversary!   -CF   PS, anyone seen



Death By Lego Brick

So in Eagle Strike by Anthony Horowitz, a guy is killed by being crushed by the weight of millions of nickles.   So I figure that with my passion for the Brick and all, my perfect death will be to be crushed by Lego Bricks. (The only problem is that it would totally go against Lego's no violence policy, and it would get the bricks all blood stained....)   -CF



Ouran Host Club

Today in Anime Club we watched "Ouran Host Club" Basic story: In some anime, there is a boy surrounded by gourgeous (and fan serviced) girls. In this, it's the other way around: 1 girl surrounded by 6 (?) gourgeous boys. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «But they don't know she's a girl untill the end of the first episode She dresses as a boy to hide that she is a girl, and now has to pay the boys a large sum of money back. She does this by becoming part of their "Host Club"



Avak Moc

I built an Avak MOC. (actually I posted it in the blog earlier, like in December)   Topic   One more thing: Happy Mother's Day! Especially to those that put up with our Lego happenings!   -CF



Well It's About Time!

So my friend got it, and he gave it to me. What is it? Look!     I can finally make my own GIF images!   So I then decided to do something. This, using my own Vahki Tag avatars.     I was going to make another one, funny this time, but then it was time for dinner.   So, does anyone have any suggestions on using a GIF program? Tips, advice, how to make timing just right?   The program is called Microsoft GIF Animator     Don't forget to pose the Piraka Fusion!   -CF



Mini-contest: Piraka Fusion

So I'm about to take the final pix of my Piraka Fusion MOC before I scrap him for pieces. Instead of just taking a couple to my liking, I want to know what you guys want to see of the Vezok and Reidak's fused form. Anything goes! (But suggestions may or may not be considered. Even seeing him/them do a hand stand would be fine. (Hey, there's an idea....))   Simply enough, tell me how to pose him and I'll take a pic. (Serious stuff included, like one staff forward and the other behind his b



R2-d2's Head

So I was thinking about how R2-D2 keeps spinning his dome around. All I can say is let's hope he remembers "Lefty loosy, Righty tighty"   -CF



Double Sets

So because of BrickMaster giving out free sets with each issue, I now have two of the small Aquaraiders, and Thulox. (But I just opened them last night, long story)   Anyway, these are the first double sets I have. I don't normally get doubles, but with these I decided to open them instead of trying to return them. (I'm a MOCer. I figure I'd do this eventually. Plus these have some great pieces. Especially since two AR sets is better than just the one, because of some of the single pieces



Spidey 3 (spoiler Free)

Ok, I won't say anything to spoil the movie. (but don't be surprised if I mention stuff that you should already know)   Just got back from seeing Spider-Man 3 (with friend mentioned in an earlier blog entry) and I must tell you guys my thoughts. It is great! Maybe you think I'm overreacting a bit, but I enjoyed it, a lot. I guess I'll say it's different, but I think that only comes from there being three bad guys. The story is well played out and there are enough fight scenes to show how c



Extra Commentary

In honor of Star Wars' 30th Anniversary, my High School's Star Wars Club (which I helped start) watched Episode IV today. And we're planning on having a party in a couple of weeks. Anyway, the point is, today we watched (some of) Ep. 4 and were having fun the whole hour. Something would come up and we would have a remark. Fun stuff!   -CF



Evil Pit Freak Moc

OK, I just built this, but it had some planning beforehand. I want to know what you guys think of it so I can perhaps revise him and send him in for Lego Mag's pit bad guy contest. The MOC   Seriously. What do you think? I'd very much appreciate your feedback. (I might give him Pridak feet instead)   Hey! What do you think of the SW look? (I'd very much appreciate your feedback.)   -CF



30 Year Celebration!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....   The new look for the CFB for the month of May will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Wars! Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope came out on Thursday, May something (19th or around that) 1977. Please discuss the celebration here and the new look (whether you like/dislike it, want Piraka Fusion back, or I should keep a SW theme)   So, with that, I introduce a new category for my blog to you: The Star Wars category, something I should have



5 Movies, 3 Months

I'm doing more movie viewing than I usually do in a year!   May 4-Spider-Man 3 (opening day) May 25-Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End June 15-Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer July 4-Transformers (opening day) July 15-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix   I can't wait to see all of them, and they all look awesome.   -CF




Chobits is a manga (and an Anime I haven't seen) that is good for anybody. It's made by CLAMP, so girls are sure to like it, but it is a story that is also for boys.   (borrowed from an anime site)   The story is simple: Humans living with robots (called Persocoms), actually not robots but androids that look just like human girls except for these two big, pointy ears (which are used to connect them to the internet and stuff). The story then goes on to deal with persocoms vs real girls and



I Lost Brain Cells Today!

Well, I wouldn't be surprised. Today in Chemistry class we had a lab, and one substance in particular smelled FUNKY (kind of like the camera developing place smell when you first walk in), and for half the next period I felt kind of wierd.   Good news is it helped clear my nose of allergies!   -CF



Class Ring!

I got my High School class ring today!   Our mascot, the Knight Our school seal, and my graduation year (2008) And the green birth stone, not because that's my birth color, but green is my favorite color (can't you tell?)   That's pretty much it, it was fun to get it and see everybody else's too. There will be a blessing and mass next wednesday, and the ring dance (see previous entry) is tomorrow night.   -CF



How Do I Put This?

Ok, kind of a sad story here, but I feel the need to get it out. (and this is a blog after all)   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «OK, -Boy meets girl/vice verca -Boy and girl are friends, hang out sometimes during school -Boy likes girl, doesn't make it obvious (hopefully) -But boy still tries to see girl whenever he can, such as arranging to meet up at anime convention, but it's not like they really hang out not at school -After about a year and a half, boy finally asks



Nice Trips; Coffee & Squirrels; Cheese

First thanks to Bundalings the Bunny, Skiz the Crazy Squirrel, and Electric Turahk for the blog suggestions.   Second off, ET, I hope you have an excellent trip to Disney World. I hope you meet a BZPer or five, get some great Lego, and have a blast at that "Most Magical Place on Earth" (or whatever) In fact, I've been to that Lego store myself, when I went to Disney World 9 years ago.   On another note, don't give coffee to squirrels, because they are hyper enough without it, and they run ar




I was going to blog about something really good and then I forgot.   Any suggestions on what to blog next? (seriously, that sounds fun)   -CF




So once people get into about 11th grade, you might start getting college info brochures in the mail. (All readers under 17 beware) Anyway, I got one from the marines. Usually I'd just throw it out, but in this one they said mail back a section so they can mail me an info packet and stuff. Normally, I'd just ignore it (I'm not interested in army life), but they said if I mail it back I get a free mini/micro (something small) Mag-lite. This caught my eye. the Mag flashlights are always good



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