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School Was So Fun Today

Only 16 people came to school, since it was Senior Skip Day (always the day after Senior Trip). Originally it was 20 people, but several went home before classes commenced. We also didn't have classes, but rather had a day of play and boredom. Moreover boredom, though.   I did help hang up artwork for the upcoming music show, though.   But still, 16 people isn't even one full class. It's half of a class. xP



Supersonic Electronic

So onto my love rocket climb Inside tank of fuel is not fuel, but love! Currently my favorite song. <3



The Scottsboro Boys

I watched this Broadway musical today for an English class trip, and it was just amazing. It may not be for all ages, but what the show had to say about the truth and the consequences of lying is simple yet sticks with you long after the show is over. The ending was spectacular and sudden as well. Overall, it lived up to the few reviews I've read of it. I'd go into what detail I can about the show, but sadly I have some other writing to do. The theater was pretty, though. :3



That Person Located In An Unknown Region

Is he of Sealand or some other micronation? Antarctica? Space? Either way this person is pretty amazing. So today afterschool friends and I got juice and rice krispy treats, then went to the huge park near our school. As soon as we walk into the park, there's this lady with her kids on the curb, and a taxi driving away. Taxi stops at red light, lady has epiphany, and then she's running like crazy back to the taxi, screaming "STOP!!" over and over. Then she yells that the taxi has her stroll



Nano Prep

Ah man, I dislike this week so far. I've had fake stomach aches for half of it, haven't gotten enough sleep, and can hardly focus on my artwork. Thankfully I'm not drawing or cutting in Printmaking, we're only making the actual prints with the giant, old machines. Except today I'm legit sick, and I could hardly walk this morning from the pain, so I stayed home. There's breakfast on the table, and I'm hungry, but it doesn't look appetizing (nor does anything else in the house) and I'm afraid t




Tomorrow, even though I have school, it will be game time. It is on, NaNoWriMo. (Happy Halloween, children)



D. Gray-man And Italian Conversation

I think D. Gray-man is some pretty good stuff. But I'm only ten episodes in, so I dunno. xP And I have to present an Italian conversation with a classmate tomorrow, so I have to memorize a whole script I wrote up. It sucks compared to real conversations, but in class I guess it'll pass for good. Thank goodness I have Italian last period. >__>



Rememberance - And Update

For the nice handful of you guys who know my location, you would understand why I find it almost necessary to put up this entry. Although I didn't lose anyone eight years ago, it still affected me. When I further understood what happened as I matured, it affected me more (it's not heavy on me, just something that often stands out on such days). So remember today, the victims, the heroes - always. In other news! School is going pretty good, and I met a couple of other people today. I



New Mouse Pad

We had a half-day at school today for parent-teacher conferences, which my parents never attend. Per my birthday (which is actually tomorrow), I was out celebrating with friends, and I got a new mouse pad: One that has Shinku (from Rozen Maiden) on it. Wheeee (as I was looking up that picture and writing this, one of the Rozen Maiden openings started playing in WMP ._.) Other goodies: A crocheted Pokeball, two of those small voodoo doll things, a turtle cell phone strap, and a cube necklace.




I never updated you guys but literary essay went fine. Dunno when the grade will come in. Anyways, in English today my teacher told us to write a poem about "duality," and there were no rules or restrictions to what we could write. So this is the original of what I wrote in that class (the penultimate stanza is a bit sketchy :/): Indeed I am I am a man, But not just any man - A special man. I can laugh hysterically, And cry from deep depression - All at once And none at all. I ca



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